[Air-L] Request for Information Relevant to Online Dating within Student Populations

Nicola Fox Hamilton N.FoxHamilton at wlv.ac.uk
Fri Sep 13 01:11:12 PDT 2013

Dear Skaidra,

My MSc research and now my PhD are in the area of online dating - and particularly language. I've included some useful references below. 
As well as Nicole Ellison as already mentioned in a response - Andrew Fiore,  Monica Whitty, and Toma & Hancock have done a lot of work in the area. 

I hope that helps. 

Ellison, N., Heino, R., & Gibbs, J. (2006). Managing impressions online: Selfpresentation
processes in the online dating environment. Journal of Computer-
Mediated Communication, 11, 415–441.

Fiore, A. T., & Donath, J. S. (2005). Homophily in online dating: When do you like
someone like yourself? Computer-Human Interaction 2005, 1371–1374.

Fiore, A.T., Shaw Taylor, L., Mendelsohn, G.A., & Hearst, M.A. (2008). Assessing
Attractiveness in Online Dating Profiles. Computer-Human Interaction 2008,
797. New York, USA: ACM Press.

Fiore, A. T., Taylor, L. S., Zhong, X., Mendelsohn, G. A., & Cheshire, C. (2010).
Who’s right and who writes: People, profiles, contacts, and replies in online
dating. In proceedings of Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,
43, Persistent Conversation minitrack.

Gibbs, J. L., Ellison, N. B., & Heino, R. D. (2006). Self-presentation in online
personals: The role of anticipated future interaction, self-disclosure, and
perceived success in Internet dating. Communication Research, 33(2), 1–26.

Hitsch, G. J., Hortaçsu, A., & Ariely, D. (2010). What makes you click? Mate
preferences in online dating. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 8(4),
393-427. doi: 10.1007/s11129-010-9088-6

Rosen, L., Cheever, N., Cummings, C., & Felt, J. (2008). The impact of emotionality
and self-disclosure on online dating versus traditional dating. Computers in
Human Behavior, 24(5), 2124–2157.
Rosenfeld, M. J. (2010). Meeting online: The rise of the internet as a social
intermediary. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American
Sociological Association Annual Meeting. Retrieved from http://www.

Toma, C. L., & Hancock, J. T. (2010). Reading between the lines: linguistic cues to
deception in online dating profiles. In Proceedings of the 2010 ACM conference
on Computer supported cooperative work (CSCW ‘10). ACM, New York, NY,
USA, 5–8. http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1718918.1718921

Toma, C., Hancock, J., & Ellison, N. (2008). Separating fact from fiction: An
examination of deceptive self presentation in online dating profiles. Personality
and Social Psychology Bulletin, 34, 1023–1036.

Whitty, M. T. (2008). Revealing the ‘real’ me, searching for the ‘actual’ you:
Presentations of self on an internet dating site. Computers in Human Behavior,
24, 1707–1723. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2007.07.002.

Nicola Fox Hamilton, MSc.
Cyberpsychologist & PhD Researcher
Designer & Art Director

+353 (0)86 224 2416


On 13 Sep 2013, at 01:27, skaidra puodziunas <skaidra.puodziunas at rogers.com> wrote:

> Hello fello AOIR's,
> Pleased to "meet" you all.
> My name is Skaidra Puodziunas and I'm in 4th year as an undergraduate in an
> innovative and atypical bachelor degree program of Knowledge Integration,
> with a cross major in Speech Communication, at the University of Waterloo,
> Ontario, Canada
> This coming year, I will be working on my 4th year, senior thesis project. I
> am planning to explore the world of online dating, specifically examining
> the factors that are associated with students engaging in online dating
> platforms, in my own university.
> If anyone has any recommendations for journals, blogs, researchers,
> institutes, etc. that could be relevant to this topic, I graciously welcome
> them all! I consider this more of an exploratory project. I am (hopefully)
> going to incorporating both quantitative and qualitative approaches.
> Many thanks for your time,
> Skaidra
> Skaidra Puodziunas | @SkaidraP
> 4A Joint Honors Knowledge Integration & Speech Communication
> University of Waterloo
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