[Air-L] 2014 APSA ITP Best Software Award – nominations due 5/16

Deen Freelon dfreelon at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 14:50:18 PDT 2014

[please redistribute as appropriate]

The Information Technology & Politics (ITP) section of the American 
Political Science Association (APSA) invites nominations for the "Best 
software award for research and teaching in the area of Information 
Technology and Politics." The eligibility rules are as follows:

•    The first major release of the software must have been in 2013.
•    The software must hold some relevance to research and/or teaching 
in the area of information technology and politics.

Beyond that, I would like to invite anyone who has developed potentially 
ITP-relevant software to submit it for consideration. You don’t have to 
be a member of the ITP section or even of APSA as long as your software 
meets the two above conditions. You may also nominate software packages 
developed by others that you have found useful in your ITP-related 
scholarly research or teaching.

Please email all nominations to Deen Freelon <dfreelon at gmail.com>, chair 
of the ITP Software Award Committee. Include a link from which the 
software may be downloaded and any other information you feel might help 
the committee reach a decision (e.g. data on frequency of use, example 
use cases, etc.).

We will accept submissions until Friday, May 16, 2014. Feel free to 
contact me with any questions you may have.


Deen Freelon
Chair, ITP Software Award Committee 2014

Deen Freelon, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
American University School of Communication
Office: McKinley 325
dfreelon at gmail.com

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