[Air-L] Interesting what SAS can do with Internet data gathering

Peter Timusk peterotimusk at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 17:37:03 PDT 2014

I work with Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) every day at work. So I
follow things when they do with Internet Research. SAS have a new Free
version for Universities called Analytics U.

You may find this blog on their support site fun as there is a video from
the recent SAS Global Forum that looks at basic analysis in a humours way
of Internet data. There is a windows app in here that can download your
facebook for some data in a SAS program format but you can parse this
program for the data if you don't have SAS as the programs are just text

SAS Blogs Home <http://blogs.sas.com/content> > The SAS
> Confessions of a SAS Dummy<http://blogs.sas.com/content/sasdummy/2014/04/06/confessions-of-a-sas-dummy/>
Confessions of a SAS Dummy
[image: Chris Hemedinger]
Chris Hemedinger<http://blogs.sas.com/content/sasdummy/author/chrishemedinger>
|April 6, 2014


I have followed this list for may be a decade and attended IR14 but have
not heard to much about SAS use by you scholars. So I thought I would bring
it up.

Peter Timusk social science support worker at some government agency I
can't mention but it is not in the business of spying so relax.

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