[Air-L] 2nd Call for participation: Learning Analytics Summer Institute 2014

Haythornthwaite, Caroline c.haythorn at ubc.ca
Mon Apr 28 11:26:34 PDT 2014

FYI.  /Caroline

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 17:34:23 -0700
> From: Dragan Gasevic <dgasevic at acm.org>
> Subject: 2nd Call for participation: Learning Analytics
> 	Summer	Institute 2014
> Due to the change in location of LASI'14, which is now Harvard Graduate
> School of Education in Cambridge, MA, USA, the second call for
> participation is issued.
> 2nd Call for participation
> 2nd Learning Analytics Summer Institutes (LASI 2014)
> Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA, USA, June 30 ? July 2,
> 2014
> http://www.solaresearch.org/events/lasi-2/lasi2014/
> Organized by the Society of Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) with
> assistance of the International Educational Data Mining Society (IEDMS).
> Important dates
> * Application for participation (second call): May 4, 2014
> * Notification of acceptance: May 8, 2014
> * Summer institute: June 30 - July 2, 2014
> Important remarks
> * LASI 2014 will not charge any registration fees.
> * LASI 2014 does not have a call for presentation and/or talk proposals.
> * Applications with multiple applicant names will not be taken into
> consideration. Only individual applications are invited.
> * Only applications that will have provided the information requested in
> the application form outlined in the call will be considered.
> Introduction
> Learning Analytics as both a research topic and emerging marketplace has
> recently received attention of faculty, educational researchers and
> administrators, policy makers, data scientists and learning technology
> entrepreneurs. Unprecedented quantity of, and access to, learner-generated
> data has opened up new opportunities, for instance, for researchers to
> better understand how learners learn, for educators to assess the impact of
> teaching activities and interventions, and for learners to receive
> personalized, real-time, automated support for their learning advancements.
> Learning Analytics (LA) as a field is related to disciplines such as
> educational data mining, machine learning, information visualisation and
> computer science in general, various branches of psychology, learning
> sciences, psychometrics, and systems theory.  LA aspires to integrate
> cognitive, social, pedagogical, technical, and organizational components to
> advance a holistic view of learners and their learning processes.
> Cross-disciplinary research, publications, and documented socio-technical
> systems, designs and algorithms are important for advancing these goals.
> For the past four years, the Society for Learning Analytics Research
> (SoLAR) has hosted open online courses, the international LAK conference
> and national meet-ups, initiated a distributed research lab for PhD
> students, and established the Journal of Learning Analytics. During this
> timeframe, researchers from learning sciences, computer supported
> collaborative learning, and related disciplines have found research
> affinity with the emerging LA field.
> Leading international universities have initiated programs and enacted
> strategies to use LA to improve learner success and organizational
> efficiency. Numerous schools have adopted personalization and adaptive
> learning systems to support learners. Corporations and start-ups have also
> turned their focus to learning analytics, resulting in numerous entrants
> into the LA market.
> This bricolage of research, intersecting fields of study, and corporate
> activity has created an exciting, albeit sometimes confusing, landscape for
> academics, PhD students, and the diverse users of LA products and projects
> Summer Institutes
> A critical window of opportunity is opening as we stand on the threshold of
> what may be a new discipline with disruptive potential for educational
> research and practice. Bringing the right mix of people together for an
> intensive ?summer camp? can serve as an intellectual and social springboard
> to accelerate the maturation of the discipline ? as was the case for other
> young disciplines, such as cognitive neuroscience.
> After the 1st such event in Stanford in 2013, the 2nd Learning Analytics
> Summer Institute (LASI 2014) is a strategic event organized by the Society
> for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR) in cooperation with the Harvard
> Graduate School of Education. The International Educational Data Mining
> Society is also assisting with event organization. LASI 2014 will be held
> in Cambridge, MA, USA from June 30, 2014 to July 2, 2014.
> As we did last year, in parallel a global network of LASI-Locals will run
> their own gatherings. Last year we had: LASI-Hong Kong, LASI-Denmark ?
> Aalborg, LASI-Latin America ? Online, LASI-France ? Lyon, LASI-Netherlands
> ? Amsterdam, LASI-South Africa ? Pretoria, LASI-Spain ? Granada, LASI-Spain
> ? Madrid, LASI-UK ? Edinburgh, LASI-USA ? Boston, and A-LASI ? Sydney. So
> get inspired, and self-organise! This year, we are planning ways in which
> the activities of LASI-Locals will be more visible to Cambridge, MA, USA
> and to each other.
> The objective is that participants will leave better equipped to actively
> engage in advancing the LA field through their teaching and research
> activities. More specifically, LASI has two goals:
> * Build the field of Learning Analytics through cross disciplinary
> interactions, identification of research and teaching needs, advancement of
> LA methods, and connecting isolated researchers and research communities.
> * Develop the skills and knowledge of doctoral students and academics,
> equipping them to engage actively in LA research and teaching.
> In the selection of participants, we will strive for a careful balance
> between disciplines, skillsets and seniority ? see the application criteria
> for details.
> Format
> LASI2014?s goals of building the LA field and developing the skills of
> researchers, educators and students will be achieved through a combination
> of lectures, hands-on tutorials, group work and ample opportunity for
> informal interactions. Activities include presentations from leading
> researchers, innovative start-ups, and experts from related fields, coupled
> with panels and workshops? all designed to define the needs of the LA
> field, identify research gaps and needs, forge the community and establish
> a research agenda.
> Organizing Committee
> Ryan S.J.d. Baker, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
> Simon Buckingham Shum, The Open University, UK (LASI-Locals chair)
> Shane Dawson, University of South Australia, Australia
> Erik Duval, KU Leuven, Belgium (program co-chair)
> Dragan Gasevic, Athabasca University, Canada (program co-chair)
> Garron Hillaire, Harvard University, USA (Local Organizer)
> Charels Lang, Harvard University, USA (Local Organizer)
> Philip Long, University of Queensland, Australia
> Grace Lynch, University of New England, Australia
> Xavier Ochoa, Escuela Superior Polit?cnica del Litoral, Ecuador
> Mykola Pechenizkiy, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), The
> Netherlands  (program co-chair)
> Salvador Ros, Universidad Nacional de Educaci?n a Distancia (UNED), Spain
> George Siemens, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
> Llanos Tobarra, Universidad Nacional de Educaci?n a Distancia (UNED), Spain
> Enquiries
> Enquiries about participating in, or sponsoring, LASI may be emailed to
> <lasi2014.madrid atsign gmail.com> with the subject line containing: LASI
> Enquiry
> If you are interested in connecting with the others running a
> regional/local event, please contact Simon Buckingham Shum
> <s.buckingham.shum atsign gmail.com> with the subject line containing: LASI
> Local
> Speakers in Cambridge, MA, USA are by invitation, with the program now
> being designed. Queries around the program should go to Dragan Gasevic
> <dragan.gasevic atsign gmail.com> with the subject line containing: LASI
> Program. Regional/local satellite events will design their own schedules
> and programs.
> How to participate
> To apply for participation in LASI 2014 in Cambridge, MA, USA please
> complete the following application form available in the EasyChair site of
> LASI 2014  (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lasi2014.). The
> details about the application process can be found at
> http://www.solaresearch.org/events/lasi-2/lasi2014/
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