[Air-L] a call - a reminder - texts

Vasilis Kostakis kostakis.b at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 03:49:17 PST 2014

Dear all,

Firstly, I would like to remind you about the CfP on the materiality of the
digital Commons for a special issue to be published by the open access,
peer reviewed journal tripleC:

Secondly, I would like to let you know about a call for visiting scholars &
collaborators announced by the P2P Lab, Greece: http://p2plab.gr/en/call

Last, here you may have free access to the published work of the P2P Lab
collaborators: http://p2plab.gr/en/publications



Dr. Vasilis Kostakis

Research Fellow
Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance

Research Director
P2P Lab: http://p2plab.org

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