[Air-L] Search reopened: Assistant Prof. for Computing and Emerging Technologies, Pratt Institute, NYC

Anthony Cocciolo acocciol at pratt.edu
Thu Feb 27 12:52:09 PST 2014

Pratt Institute, School of Information and Library Science, has an opening
for full time tenure-track position at the level of assistant professor in
the area of *Computing and Emerging Information Technologies*

Full time, tenure-track, beginning Fall 2014

*http://tinyurl.com/search2014 <http://tinyurl.com/search2014>*

To apply:

Applicants are invited to submit a single PDF file that includes the
following documents: Cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement on research
and teaching interests, and names of four references.

Please e-mail materials to: Debbie Rabina: drabina at pratt.edu

To learn more about Pratt SILS full-time faculty visit
Debbie Rabina, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Pratt Institute, School of Information and Library Science
144 West 14th Street, 6th fl.
New York, NY 10011-7301
drabina at pratt.edu

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