[Air-L] CfP: City Labs Workshop (part of SocInfo'14), Barcelona, 10 Nov 2014

Marcus Foth m.foth at qut.edu.au
Tue Jul 22 18:56:57 PDT 2014

City Labs Workshop, Barcelona, November 10th 2014

In conjunction with the International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2014)

Paper submission deadline: Sept 22, 2014
Paper acceptance notifications: Oct 1, 2014
Camera Ready: Oct 5, 2014

Social media and digital traces from sensor such as smartcards and mobile phones have played a key role in providing insights into people's activities, opinions and day-to-day lives. These detailed user-generated information streams offer a unique opportunity for cities to understand and engage their citizens. The research domain of smarter cities aims to monitor disruptive events (e.g., emergencies, Olympics), analyze social behaviour, identify citizens' sentiment and understand their interactions with services. On the other side, cities can use their understanding of the citizen to foster stronger relationships with the diverse communities in their constituencies. This understanding could be applied to mobilize people on important issues such as education, health care, political engagement and community awareness. Also, new digital fabrication tools have been recently used to generate adoptable, dynamic and interactive architecture able to evolve together with urban dwellers, and it has been shown that new Internet-of-Things devices could effectively capture physical observations to understand how cities and urban centers work. As a result, cities now provide a living lab where applied research can be carried out to understand citizen and services with a focus on collaborative, user-centred design and co-creation.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss and explore the research challenges and opportunities in applying the pervasive and social computing paradigm to understand cities. We are seeking multidisciplinary contributions that reveal interesting aspects about urban life and exploit the digital traces to create novel citizen-centric applications that benefit not only citizens, but also urban planners and policy makers. We believe this topic will attract researchers from communities ranging for computational science, to social science and urban design. 

This workshop fosters discussions covering topics such as (but not limited to):
	- Use of social media to engage citizens, for example through gamification
	- Improving understanding of the city through mining social media
	- Disaster recovery and coordination using social media
	- Mobilizing the community through social media
	- Pervasive applications for user interaction and data collection
	- Enabling citizen and NGO initiatives through social media
	- Methodology for quality evaluation and validation of user generated content
	- Visualizations and interfaces to enable exploration of city data
	- Privacy and ethical concerns in citizen engagement
	- Internet of Things (IoT) for cities
	- Digital Fabrication tools for adaptable cities

In order to support submissions from various disciplines we will accept a number of options. 
	- Long papers (no longer than 8 pages) and short papers (no longer than 4 pages) will be published along with the Springer proceedings of the conference. 		
	- Researchers wishing to submit to the conference but who do not wish to have their content published are welcome to submit position papers (no longer than 2 pages). These papers will not be published and therefore authors are free to submit this work elsewhere. 

All contributions must be submitted as PDF format to the EasyChair submission system (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=citylabs2014). They should be formatted according to Springer LNCS paper formatting guidelines (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0).

Elizabeth M. Daly, IBM Research, Ireland
Areti Markopoulou, IAAC/Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia
Daniele Quercia, Yahoo Labs, Barcelona

Anthony Townsend, New York University
Charlie Catlett, Argonne National Laboratory
Colin Ellard, University of Waterloo
Dani Villatoro, IIIA - CSIC
Ed Manley, University College London
Enrique Friasmartinez, Telefonica
Giovanni Quattrone, University College of London
José Luis De Vicente, CCCB
Josep Perelló, University of Barcelona
Mar Santamaria, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Marcus Foth, Queensland University of Technology
Michael Smyth, Edinburgh Napier University
Mirco Musolesi, University of Birmingham
Miriam Roure, MIT
Neal Lathia, University of Cambridge
Oleg Pachenkov, European University at St. Petersburg
Olga Subiros, CCCB
Prodromos Tsiavos, UCL/GFOSS
Ramon Riberafumaz, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Raz Schwartz, Cornell Tech NYC
Rosta Farzan, University of Pittsburgh
Sarah Gallacher, Intel Collaborative Research Institute
Sascha Haselmayer, Living Labs Global

Professor Marcus Foth

Director, Urban Informatics Research Lab
Professorial Fellow, School of Design
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
m.foth at qut.edu.au – @UrbanInf – www.urbaninformatics.net

CRICOS No. 00213J

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