[Air-L] What's your 1 sentence explanation of "Internet Research"

Gordon Carlson gordycarlson at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 17:51:46 PDT 2014

Hi All,

I don't think AoIR work can be encapsulated in a sentence.  And I embrace
the transdisciplinary nature of everyone's work.

In that spirit, rather than try to write a monolithic description, I would
love to hear how each of you would describe/define "Internet Research".
 What is it?  Who does it?  Why do it?

I have been having trouble articulating some of my own work and would love
to know how you are doing it.

I appreciate your time and effort and will gladly share a compiled list of
all the responses I get if anyone is interested.

Thanks in advance,
Gordon Carlson

PS - if you also want to send me your 2-3 sentence versions or versions
that focus on how YOU study the internet I'd be happy to read those as

Gordon Carlson
Assistant Professor, Communication Studies, Fort Hays State University
Executive Director, Society for Conceptual Logistics in Communication
Research (sclcr.com)

Twitter: @Gordon_Carlson
Facebook: Gordon.S.Carlson
Phone: 541.990.1155

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