[Air-L] Vol. 10, No. 2 of the MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching is available online

Lee, Mark malee at csu.edu.au
Mon Jun 30 11:12:03 PDT 2014

Dear colleagues,

Vol. 10, No. 2 of the MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching (JOLT at http://jolt.merlot.org/) has been published and is available online. The contents of the issue are listed below. In this issue you will find 12 articles concerned with various aspects of online learning and teaching. I hope you will find several articles of interest, and that you will take the time to forward this notice to colleagues who might also be interested in JOLT. (If they, too, would like to register to receive notification of newly published JOLT issues, they may do so here: http://grapevine.merlot.org/joltnews/joltlistserv.php?action=add .)

Kind regards,

Mark J. W. Lee
Editor-in-Chief, MERLOT Journal of Online Learning and Teaching

*** JOLT VOL. 10, NO. 2 CONTENTS ***

* Research Papers *

Student Performance at a Community College: Mode of Delivery, Employment, and Academic Skills as Predictors of Success
Brian G. Wolff, A. Michelle Wood-Kustanowitz, and Jennifer M. Ashkenazi

Learning Outcomes in a Stress Management Course: Online versus Face-to-Face
Kristine Fish and Hyun Gu Kang

Use of Synchronous Virtual Classrooms: Why, Who, and How?
Florence Martin and Michele A. Parker

Motivation in Synchronous Hybrid Graduate Business Programs: A Self-Determination Approach to Contrasting Online and On-Campus Students
Nikolaus T. Butz, Robert H. Stupnisky, Erin S. Peterson, and Melissa M. Majerus

Conditional Release of Course Materials: Assessing Best Practice Recommendations
Lawanna S. Fisher, Justin G. Gardner, Thomas M. Brinthaupt, and Deana M. Raffo

The Influence of Instructor-Generated Video Content on Student Satisfaction with and Engagement in Asynchronous Online Classes
Peter J. Draus, Michael J. Curran, and Melinda S. Trempus

Exploring the Dimensions of Self-Efficacy in Virtual World Learning: Environment, Task, and Content
Aimee deNoyelles, Steven Hornik, and Richard D. Johnson

Does the Online Environment Promote Plagiarism? A Comparative Study of Dissertations from Brick-and-Mortar versus Online Institutions
David C. Ison

* Case Studies *

Universal Design for Learning in an Online Teacher Education Course: Enhancing Learners' Confidence to Teach Online
Ye He

Enhancing Interdisciplinary Learning with a Learning Management System
Ji Yong Park and Kathy A. Mills

* Concept Papers *

The Role of Interactivity in Student Satisfaction and Persistence in Online Learning
Rebecca A. Croxton

How Should I Offer This Course? The Course Delivery Decision Model (CDDM)
Thomas M. Brinthaupt, Maria A. Clayton, Barbara J. Draude, and Paula T. Calahan

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