[Air-L] Participate in research about information exchange among friends!

sky scroeser at gmail.com
Sun Jun 8 07:16:09 PDT 2014

Hi Lok,

Just a note: it would be really great to see more gender options on
surveys like these! The best option, I think, is a blank text box.
There's more on why here:

Another option, if that seems daunting for data analysis, would be to
include an "other" option.

All the best,

On Sun, 2014-06-08 at 19:07 +0530, Hansika Kapoor wrote:

> Dear All,
> Do spend 10 minutes participating in research about information exchange in
> interpersonal relationships. It's a short and fun study about whether
> you'll pass on a bit of information to a friend or not :) Do forward to
> those interested!
> Best,
> Lok
> If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out
> online:
> https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1f9ZsWnjob4jOBXMmCjEV9UUADaYyAczXnXnEPDjVG-8/viewform?c=0&w=1&usp=mail_form_link
> Information Exchange in Interpersonal Relationships
> Please consider the following information before deciding to participate in
> this research.
> PURPOSE: To study the role of information exchange in interpersonal
> relationships.
> WHO IS CONDUCTING THIS STUDY: This study is being conducted by Sharlene
> Fernandes, Research Intern at the Department of Psychology, Monk
> Prayogshala (sf at monkprayogshala.in), under the supervision of Hansika
> Kapoor, Research Author at Monk Prayogshala (hk at monkprayogshala.in).
> HAS THIS STUDY BEEN APPROVED? Yes, this study has received Ethical Approval
> from the IRB at Monk Prayogshala, in November 2013 (#013-005). For queries
> regarding the same, you may contact aa at monkprayogshala.in
> WHAT YOU WILL DO: You will first begin by providing some basic information
> about yourself. Following this, you will be required to read a short
> scenario and answer questions regarding the same. The task will take about
> 10 minutes to complete. There are no right or wrong answers to any of the
> items and this test is in no way a test of your intelligence. Please
> respond honestly.
> RISKS: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and there
> are NO anticipated risks with participating. You can choose to withdraw at
> any given point during the study if you begin to feel uncomfortable. To do
> so, you may exit the study by closing your browser window.
> BENEFITS: On completion, your email id will be entered into a raffle where
> you can win a Rs. 500/- Flipkart voucher! :)
> YOU HAVE OF WINNING! Also, your email id will only be used to enter you
> into the raffle and will not be associated with your identity in any way.
> [If you are not a resident of India, and if your email id is selected, you
> will be eligible for an Amazon gift card of the equivalent amount.]
> CONFIDENTIALITY: Your participation will remain strictly confidential and
> your responses will not be associated with your identity. The results may
> be published in a research paper, and you may request to have a copy of the
> same once it’s published.
> CONTACT: If you have any questions, comments or feedback regarding this
> study, you can contact us at sf at monkprayogshala.in
> By clicking on the continue button, you are stating that you are over 16
> years of age, and that you understand the provided information and consent
> to participate in the study being conducted.
>  Powered by
> [image: Google Forms]
> This form was created inside of मंक प्रयोगशाला ।.
> Report Abuse
> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1f9ZsWnjob4jOBXMmCjEV9UUADaYyAczXnXnEPDjVG-8/reportabuse?source=https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1f9ZsWnjob4jOBXMmCjEV9UUADaYyAczXnXnEPDjVG-8/viewform?sid%3D8e1e228215e9bca%26c%3D0%26w%3D1%26token%3DHAbHe0YBAAA.hzUcHpnMfAVHo9TFGG9HUg.zB7swE1NV83U5xDE_VI6FA>
> - Terms of Service <http://www.google.com/accounts/TOS> - Additional Terms
> <http://www.google.com/google-d-s/terms.html>

Due to security concerns with Gmail and other Google services, I'm
switching over to Riseup. From now on, please email me at:
skyc at riseup.net

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