info at interculturalnewmedia.com info at interculturalnewmedia.com
Sat Mar 15 16:13:38 PDT 2014

   Hello Air-L  members,

   Please consider  submitting your papers( and distributing this call to
   graduate students) by June 9, 2014 for the NCA Honors Graduate Student
   Seminar sponsored by Sage Publications and the NCA International and
   Intercultural Communication Division. The theme of  the seminar is New
   Media and Intercultural Communication. It will take place at the
   November, 2014 NCA conference in Chicago; finalists will receive
   monetary awards and a good deal of recognition.  It is open to any
   currently enrolled MA or Ph.D student.  Please see "call" included
   below and the attachment.

   Robert Shuter, Visiting Professor, Hugh Downs School of
   Communication/Professor, Marquette University

   Coordinator, NCA IICD Honors Graduate Student Seminar


   The International and Intercultural Communication Division (IICD) of
   the National Communication Association, in partnership with Sage
   Publications, proudly announces the first IICD Honors Graduate Student
   Seminar to be held at the 2014 NCA conference in Chicago.  The theme of
   the seminar is Intercultural Communication and New Media and will
   feature competitively selected papers of currently enrolled MA and
   Ph.D  students in communication and allied fields (multiple authors
   permitted but all must be currently enrolled graduate students at the
   time of paper submission).  Intercultural new media research is an
   emerging and important new area of intercultural communication  and
   consists of multiple dimensions including ( but not limited to) how new
   media impact intercultural communication theory (i.e. cultural
   adaptation/dialogue/competence/identity), how culture influences the
   social uses of new media, and  in what ways new media affect culture.
   Papers will be reviewed and selected by top scholars who will also
   serve as scholar respondents during the honors seminar.  The honors
   seminar will be conducted on Saturday, November 22. 2014 from 2:00PM to
   5PM at the NCA conference in the Conrad Hilton, Chicago.  The seminar
   will be followed by an IICD reception honoring the participants.
   Graduate students selected for participation will receive a monetary
   award as well as IICD honors graduate student certificates.  To be
   considered, full papers (APA including 200 word abstract with title)
   are due no later than June 9, 2014.  Each paper should be no more than
   25 pages including references; author(s) name, contact information, and
   student status (MA or Ph.D and university) should be included on
   separate title page and sent in a separate file.   Finalists will be
   contacted and announced by  July 25, 2014.  Papers should be sent
   electronically to the Coordinator of the IICD Honors Graduate Student
   Seminar: Robert Shuter, Professor, Marquette University, Diederich
   College of Communication and Visiting Professor, Arizona State
   University, Hugh Downs School of
   Communication:[1]robert.shuter at marquette. edu

   -------- Original Message --------
   Subject: [Air-L] FINAL REMINDER: Call for Abstracts - RSA workshop
   From: Nikolaos Thomopoulos <[2]tranth at leeds.ac.uk>
   Date: Sat, March 15, 2014 10:47 am
   To: "[3]air-l at listserv.aoir.org" <[4]air-l at listserv.aoir.org>
   Dear Air-L members, this is the final reminder of the call for
   abstracts for a workshop which may be of interest to you.
   Apologies for cross-postings.
   You may find the RSA workshop invitation along with the Call For
   Abstracts (250w - DEADLINE: 22nd March) at this blog:
   Theme: Theory and practice of using ICT to facilitate smart and green
   regional development: best practice, evaluation and future challenges
   for multi-level governance.
   Venue: History Center, Thessaloniki, Greece
   Workshop dates: 5th - 6th June 2014
   Abstract submission deadline: 22nd March 2014
   This workshop is organised with the support of the Regional Studies
   Association and the ENDURANCE research project and is anticipated to
   generate interesting debates between academics and practitioners.
   We would be grateful if you would consider submitting an abstract or
   alternatively if you could forward this call to other contacts with
   relevant interest.
   Please do get in touch at [6]sgICTregion at gmail.com in case you have any
   queries about this workshop.
   We look forward to welcoming you in Thessaloniki!
   Best regards
   on behalf of the Organising Committee
   Dr Nikolas Thomopoulos
   Researcher - Institute for Transport Studies
   University of Leeds
   QUEEN'S ANNIVERSARY PRIZE WINNERS - 'sustained transport excellence'
   The [8]Air-L at listserv.aoir.org mailing list
   is provided by the Association of Internet Researchers
   Subscribe, change options or unsubscribe at:
   Join the Association of Internet Researchers:


   1. https://emarq.marquette.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=to1FAknkiEyhZmdlSUkCoGNlHuI4FNEIUUgvvlmcetV1KICLZalOKyp_5_D0jwcezxte8WWvExA.&URL=mailto%3arobert.shuter%40marquette
   2. mailto:tranth at leeds.ac.uk
   3. mailto:air-l at listserv.aoir.org
   4. mailto:air-l at listserv.aoir.org
   5. http://sgICTregion.wordpress.com/
   6. mailto:sgICTregion at gmail.com
   7. http://www.its.leeds.ac.uk/queensprize
   8. mailto:Air-L at listserv.aoir.org
   9. http://aoir.org/
  10. http://listserv.aoir.org/listinfo.cgi/air-l-aoir.org
  11. http://www.aoir.org/

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