Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Sun Mar 16 22:56:15 PDT 2014


*Generative Justice:Value from the Bottom-up*

 *A conference at RPI, June 27-29 2014*

Social problems are often addressed through the top-down forms of
"distributive justice": intervention from government agencies and
regulations for example. But science and technology innovations have opened
new possibilities for "generative justice": bottom-up networks that strive
for a more equitable and sustainable world through communitarian value
generation. Some examples of generative justice involve lay innovation:
maker spaces, DIY movements, and "appropriated" technologies.  Other
examples are more focused on nature as a generator of value, such as urban
agriculture, food justice, and indigenous harvesting. Some focus on the
framework of Open Source, putting code, blueprints and manufacturing
processes into the public domain. Generative justice can apply to social
entrepreneurship, restorative justice,  community media, social solidarity
economies, and many other structures that allow those who generate value to
directly participate in its benefits, create their own conditions of
production, and nurture sustainable paths for its circulation.

We invite presentation and panel proposals on the theory and practice of
generative justice. What theories of ethics, law, epistemology and politics
can help to define this concept and improve its utility? What research
methods are best used to explore it, and in what analytic frameworks can it
be deployed? Are the relations between distributive and generative justice
best viewed as opposite ends of a continuum? As mutually supportive
symbiosis? How might generative justice experiences and outcomes differ
across identities such as race, gender, class, and sexual orientation;
across geographic and national differences; across ideological and
institutional spectrums? How can we distinguish generative justice from
bottom-up forms of exploitation, oppression, or unsustainable ecologies?
What kinds of technologies and scientific programs might foster more
generative justice, and conversely, how might generative justice contribute
to better STEM education, research, and infrastructure?            (For
more see the Generative Justice

Joly MacFie  218 565 9365 Skype:punkcast
WWWhatsup NYC - http://wwwhatsup.com
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 VP (Admin) - ISOC-NY - http://isoc-ny.org

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