[Air-L] CFP for Workshops co-located with Hypertext 2014, deadline May 23rd

Denis Parra denisparra at gmail.com
Tue May 6 14:51:22 PDT 2014

Apologies for cross posting

CALL FOR PAPERS - 4 Workshops co-located at Hypertext 2014
Important Dates:
** Submission Deadline: May 23rd 2014 (23:59 Chile Time)
** Notification of Acceptance: Jun 6, 2014

** Final Papers Due: Jul 6, 2014

** Workshop date: September 1, 2014
DataWiz: Workshop on Data Visualization.
Martina Deplano, University of Turin, Italy.
Andrè Panisson, ISI Foundation, Italy.
Giancarlo Ruffo, University of Turin, Italy.
Web page: http://datawiz2014.di.unito.it/

DataWiz aims at bringing together an interdisciplinary audience (e.g.
computer and cognitive scientists, designers, data journalists), in order
to discuss tools, models and metaphors useful to understand and explain
input or output data through advanced graphical user interfaces. In fact,
interacting with data by means of intriguing visual representations, that
can eventually be accessed from the Web, is a fundamental approach to
accurately present scientific findings in an appealing way. The aim is to
leave to the observer (likely an expert of the domain) the task of
exploring complex phenomena, without the pain of dealing with issues such
as data complexity and overload of information. This workshop focuses on
both scientific and information visualization, and discussions of best
practices and innovative approaches are welcome.

LinkQS: Workshop on Linking The Quantified Self.
Amon Rapp, Università di Torino, Italy.
Frank Hopfgartner, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany.
Till Plumbaum, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany.
Bob Kummerfeld, University of Sydney, Australia.
Judy Kay, University of Sydney, Australia.
Eelco Herder, L3S Research Center Hannover, Germany.
Web page: http://linkqsws.wordpress.com/

Quantified Self tools help users to collect their data, aggregate them
through some forms of reasoning, and feed them back through data
visualizations. Although the current spread on the market of these kinds of
tools, many issues arise in their usage. Looking at diverse fields of
research, such as User Modeling, Web of Things and semantic web it is now
possible to imagine to overcome some of these issues. This workshop aims to
discuss the new opportunities that arise from these research fields.

SP 2014: Workshop on Social Personalization.
Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA.
Leandro Balby Marinho, Federal University of Campina Grande, Brasil.
Denis Parra, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile.
Eliana Scheihing, Universidad Austral, Chile.
Christoph Trattner, Know-Center, Austria.
Web page: http://columbus.exp.sis.pitt.edu/sp2014/

For the Social Personalization workshop, we aim to attract researchers from
all over the world working in the fields of User Modeling, Personalization
and Recommendations where the social context plays a fundamental role. This
topic is important because it involves leveraging new sources of
information that are specific for social systems such as shared items and
tags, user public profiles, social connections, and logs of user social
activities in order to improve people's information access in a wide
variety of tasks and across different devices. These social information
sources offer social personalization systems a chance to compensate for the
lack of information and structure that is used by traditional
personalization technologies ranging from recommender systems to
E-learning. The goal of this workshop is to share and discuss research that
goes hopefully beyond classic personalization techniques, trying to
capitalise potentially useful information available in social data for
paving the way to more efficient personalized information access

WLT 2014: Workshop on Hyperlinking in the Web of Linked Things.
Carlos Buil-Aranda, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile.
Federica Cena, University of Torino, Italy.
Ilaria Torre, University of Genoa, Italy.
Web page: http://wlt.dibris.unige.it

The Web is now evolving from a mere network of connections among virtual
content and data to a network of connections among real things and objects.
In such new emerging Web, hyperlinks are consequently changing their
nature. They can now connect very different kinds of resources that are
real world things, data and documents; moreover they can be typed, i.e.
they can describe the kind of relationship between the resources they
connect, following the Linked Data principles. This workshop aims to
discuss the new issues that arise from the rapid changes in this research


Denis Parra
Assistant Professor, CS Department
School of Engineering, PUC CHile

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