November 2014 Archives by date
Starting: Sat Nov 1 15:50:11 PDT 2014
Ending: Sun Nov 30 22:39:22 PST 2014
Messages: 127
- [Air-L] from: ilg1953 at
ilg1953 at
- [Air-L] Need free Linkedin downloadable datasets repositories
Babiga Birregah
- [Air-L] Call for Abstracts: International Conference on Computational Social Science 2015 | Helsinki, Finland, 8-11 June 2015
news at
- [Air-L] November 4: Trusting Human Safety to Software: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University
Solon Barocas
- [Air-L] Need free Linkedin downloadable datasets repositories
Shulman, Stu
- [Air-L] DPASSH 2015 Call for Papers | June 25-26, 2015 | Dublin, Ireland
Natalie Harrower
- [Air-L] Deadline Extension for CFP: Computer Culture (SWPACA Conference, February 11-14, 2015)
natasha chuk
- [Air-L] Twitter portraits, MP3 faces and dronies as a new Internet craze: Photomediations Machine
Joanna Zylinska
- [Air-L] Call for Papers: 2015 International Internet Preservation Consortium General Assembly
Nicholas Taylor
- [Air-L] Social Media and Disasters: CAMRI seminar with Dhiraj Murthy, Nov 12
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] Resources for finding postdocs?
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-L] #GamerGate Lessons for academics
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-L] Resources for finding postdocs?
Tom Apperley
- [Air-L] #GamerGate Lessons for academics
AureA Memotech
- [Air-L] #GamerGate Lessons for academics
Gabriela Richard
- [Air-L] #GamerGate Lessons for academics
Patricia Aufderheide
- [Air-L] Info about anti-pedophile campaigns involving avatars
Alejandro Tortolini
- [Air-L] Info about anti-pedophile campaigns involving avatars
Mitali Thakor
- [Air-L] Info about anti-pedophile campaigns involving avatars
Alejandro Tortolini
- [Air-L] Any digital art history PhDs looking for a job?
Jill Walker Rettberg
- [Air-L] Crowdsourcing a research agenda: open digital badges
Sheryl Grant
- [Air-L] CFP for a special issue of Forum Qualitative Research/Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung (FQS)
MC Cambre
- [Air-L] Syracuse University's ISchool welcomes applications for our PhD program
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
- [Air-L] CFP: CSCW 2015 Workshop on Feminism and Feminist Approaches in Social Media
Ingrid Erickson
- [Air-L] Data Power conference, Sheffield, UK, June 2015
Ben Light
- [Air-L] Computer usage in the workplace survey – request for participation – prize draw to win an iPad
John Blythe
- [Air-L] recruiting students for new practice-based research PhD
Lori Emerson
- [Air-L] Nov 14 | Illness Narratives, Networked Subjects, and Intimate Publics | NYU event
Tamara Kneese
- [Air-L] Interdisciplinary Position in Media Technology Development at University of Georgia
shira chess
- [Air-L] Call for papers. 2nd ISKO Spain-Portugal Conference
José Antonio Frías
- [Air-L] DEGREE> New hybrid Masters of Data Science @ Indiana University
Rosenbaum, Howard S.
- [Air-L] FW: Tenure-Track Position in Digital Media and Society, Queen's University
Guillaume Latzko-Toth
news at
- [Air-L] Fwd: 12th CONTECSI USP 2015 - International Conference
Ligia Capobianco
- [Air-L] Screening Scholarship Media Festival - Submissions Due 11/19!
Veena Vasudevan
- [Air-L] Social Media Analysis 5-day course - University of Melbourne, 9-13 February 2015
Robert Ackland
- [Air-L] CeDEM Asia 2014
Nathaniel Poor
- [Air-L] CFP: Let's Talk About Sex (Apps), CSCW 2015 Workshop
Irina Shklovski
- [Air-L] Call for papers ASA 2015 - Social media and inequality -
Elisabetta Costa
- [Air-L] Aurorasaurus is live!
Andrea H. Tapia
- [Air-L] tutoring at Journalism College at UMD next term
Sarah Ann Oates
- [Air-L] PhD in Communication @ American University (now with data science!)
Deen Freelon
- [Air-L] Job advert: Online Hate Speech and Elections in Ethiopia
Matti Pohjonen
- [Air-L] Practice-Based PhDs in Media Arts
Grace Lille
- [Air-L] Call for Visiting Scholar Applications
Center for Global Communication Studies
- [Air-L] CFP: First International Workshop on Privacy Engineering (IWPE'15)
Seda Gurses
- [Air-L] cfp - The Social Productivity of Anonymity
Andreas Wittel
- [Air-L] 2015 CCI Summer School in Digital Methods, Melbourne, 9-12 February 2015
Ellie Rennie
- [Air-L] Nov 21st #ELD15 Initial Proposal Deadline
AJ Kelton
- [Air-L] CfP - Persona Studies Journal and Working Papers Symposium
Kim Barbour
- [Air-L] Faculty position at the University of Washington HCDE
Daniela Rosner
- [Air-L] CFP: 10th Visual and Cultural Studies Graduate Conference (Drawing Together: Solidarities, Pictures, and Politics)
Anderson, Joel Neville
- [Air-L] 1st Call for Papers: HWID2015 working conference on “Interaction Design for Pervasive and Smart Workplaces” (IFIP TC13.6 WG)
Jose Abdelnour-Nocera
- [Air-L] CFP: CCA 2015/Technology and Emerging Media
Guillaume Latzko-Toth
- [Air-L] PhD and MS/PhD Studentships in the Department of Communication and Media, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rebecca Rouse
- [Air-L] AZ methods workshop: enjoy the warm desert in January!
Earl, Jennifer Suzanne - (jenniferearl)
- [Air-L] Version 2 of a Draft Code of Ethics for the Social Data Industry - Comments Invited
Shulman, Stu
- [Air-L] Version 2 of a Draft Code of Ethics for the Social Data Industry - Comments Invited
- [Air-L] Version 2 of a Draft Code of Ethics for the Social Data Industry - Comments Invited
michael gurstein
- [Air-L] Version 2 of a Draft Code of Ethics for the Social Data Industry - Comments Invited
- [Air-L] SBP Grand Data Challenge 2015
Kang Zhao
- [Air-L] New books: Digital Rebellion and Low Power to the People
christina dunbar-hester
- [Air-L] Statistical software and Internet data gathering
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Researcher Job Opening: Enabling Connected Learning, Data & Society
danah boyd
- [Air-L] Social Media PostDoc at Umea University
Simon Lindgren
- [Air-L] FW: [MCJ] CFP: M/C Journal 'authentic' Issue (article deadline: 16 Jan. 2015)
Axel Bruns
- [Air-L] Assistantships for PhD in Culture, Communication and Media, Drexel University, Philadelphia
Asta Ze
- [Air-L] 38th Annual New Jersey College English Association
Klobucar, Philip Andrew
- [Air-L] Book Announcement - Developer's Dilemma: The Secret World of Videogame Creators
Casey O'Donnell
- [Air-L] Academics and Activist Against Xenophobia
Sanaz Raji
- [Air-L] ECIS 2015 | 10 Days | CfP for Track: Media Management and Information Systems | 10 Days Left | Strict Deadline 28th November
Artur Lugmayr
- [Air-L] Three jobs available at Penn State's College of Information Sciences and Technology
Andrea H. Tapia
- [Air-L] Special Issue: E-Politics of Food -from Online Campaigning to 'Food Porn'
Yasmin Ibrahim
- [Air-L] #SMSociety15: Social Media & Society Conference - Call for Submissions
Anatoliy Gruzd
- [Air-L] Vacancy: Linked Data Postdoctoral Researcher, Dublin, Deadline: Nov 28 at noon GMT
Natalie Harrower
- [Air-L] Assistant Professor of Media Studies - Niagara University
Doug Tewksbury
- [Air-L] Request for Survey Participation
Theo Plothe
- [Air-L] CeDEM15 - Call for Papers
Caroline Haythornthwaite
- [Air-L] #SMSociety15: Social Media & Society Conference - Call for Submissions
Caroline Haythornthwaite
- [Air-L] Research Position for New Twitter Anti-Hate Project
Susan Benesch
- [Air-L] Emerging research on Facebook-Native Politicians - Live Hangout Q+A Dec 3/4
Steven Clift
- [Air-L] Call for Papers - Social Science Computer Review - Special Issue "Citizenship, Social Media & Big Data"
Gil De Zuniga Homero
- [Air-L] CFP: "Technologies and Recording Industries" Creative Industries Journal, Fall 2015
Eric Harvey
- [Air-L] CFP Vancouver E-Lit reading (11/28; 1/9/15)
Charles Baldwin
- [Air-L] Question on ethics with research on Facebook
Frances Clynes
- [Air-L] Question on ethics with research on Facebook
Annette Markham
- [Air-L] 2nd call: Show Me Your Dashboard - Digital Methods Winter School 2015 - Univ. of Amsterdam
Liliana Bounegru
- [Air-L] FW: Call for Papers-China Internet Research Conference 2015
Randy Kluver
- [Air-L] Question on ethics with research on Facebook
Frances Clynes
- [Air-L] IS-EUD 2015 Call for Participation
Patrick Shih
- [Air-L] Air-L Digest, Vol 124, Issue 18
David Nieborg
- [Air-L] Call: 5th ICTs and Society-Conference: The Internet and Social Media at a Crossroads: Capitalism or Commonism? Perspectives for Critical Political Economy and Critical Theory.
Christian Fuchs
- [Air-L] CFP: iConference 2015 workshop on Exploring Gender, Race, and Sexuality with Social Media Data
Oliver Haimson
- [Air-L] CFP: CEPE-IACAP 22-25 June 2015 - University of Delaware
Mariariosaria Taddeo
- [Air-L] CFP Extended: Problematizing Cyber Wars
Vit Sisler
- [Air-L] CFP please post / circulate
Roderick Coover
- [Air-L] CALL FOR PAPERS - Leveraging Technology and Data to Promote Social Equity
THAKUR Dhanaraj
- [Air-L] UW-Milwaukee School of Information Studies Seeking Assistant Professor in Information Technology
Michael T Zimmer
- [Air-L] CFP: 6th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media (MSM'2015) - Behavioral Analytics in Social Media, Big Data and the Web co-located with ACM WWW'2015
Christoph Trattner
- [Air-L] SPION closing workshop "You are not alone - How to tackle security and privacy in online social networks"
Jo Pierson
- [Air-L] Faculty Position in Information and Library Science, Indiana University Bloomington, School of Informatics and Computing
Rosenbaum, Howard S.
- [Air-L] call for papers for DOCAM 15: The Document Academy meeting Sydney July 20-22, 2015
Lund Niels Windfeld
- [Air-L] Mobile phone and smartphone design guidelines for older adults
Ajda Rogelj
- [Air-L] FW: WKWSCI-Singapore Faculty Search - Full Professor: Information and Communication Technologies and Social Life
Randy Kluver
- [Air-L] Doctoral studentship in Media and Communication Studies at Södertorn University, Sweden
Maria Bakardjieva
- [Air-L] New issue and call for submissions: Participations, the Journal for Audience and Reception Studies
Rosenbaum-Andre, Judith E.
- [Air-L] Linked Data Postdoctoral Researcher in Dublin - applications close this Friday.
Natalie Harrower
- [Air-L] CFP: Third Annual MOOD Symposium
Paulus, Trena M
- [Air-L] ATTW 2015 Research Methods Workshops: Scholarships Available!
Huatong Sun
- [Air-L] CFP: “What’s New about New Media? The Technology of Protest Past and Present”
Merlyna Lim
- [Air-L] Call for Arabic and Japanese-speaking researchers to collaborate on VISTAC project
connexions journal
- [Air-L] Call for Arabic and Japanese-speaking researchers to collaborate on VISTAC project
connexions journal
news at
- [Air-L] New Book: America's Battle for Media Democracy
Victor Pickard
- [Air-L] Risk awareness and aversion in online spaces
Ian O'Byrne
- [Air-L] why apologize?
Barry Wellman
- [Air-L] Emerald Studies in Media and Communication CFP
Apryl Williams
- [Air-L] Risk awareness and aversion in online spaces
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] Risk awareness and aversion in online spaces
Melissa Nile
- [Air-L] Risk awareness and aversion in online spaces
Ian O'Byrne
- [Air-L] Risk awareness and aversion in online spaces
Ian O'Byrne
- [Air-L] Social Media data fraught with biases and distortion
Katja Mayer
- [Air-L] Web Sites of Digital Rights Organizations?
Tim Libert
- [Air-L] Web Sites of Digital Rights Organizations?
michael gurstein
- [Air-L] Social Media data fraught with biases and distortion
Peter Timusk
- [Air-L] ICTs and the Right to Life - Suggestions re Case Studies?
R.A. Larsen
Last message date:
Sun Nov 30 22:39:22 PST 2014
Archived on: Thu Oct 3 17:38:04 PDT 2024
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