[Air-L] Assoc. Prof. Computational Social Science Job

Barbara Ley bley at udel.edu
Wed Oct 8 11:54:56 PDT 2014

Hi everybody,

Attached is the link (and downloaded document) to a Computational Social
Science job ad at the University of Delaware. The appointment will made be
at the Associate level (tenured or untenured, depending on


I am not familiar with the position details, so any questions should be
directed to the search chair, Paul Brewer (prbrewer at udel.edu)

Barbara L. Ley
Associate Professor
Department of Communication
Department of Women and Gender Studies
University of Delaware
250 Pearson Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Phone: (302) 831-0148
Fax: (302)-831-1892
Email: bley at udel.edu

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