[Air-L] Media, Culture & Society special section: "Digital media - social memory" is out!

Christian Pentzold christian.pentzold at phil.tu-chemnitz.de
Tue Oct 14 07:57:52 PDT 2014

Publication announcement:

For those interested in the intersection of social media and social  
memory, Media, Culture & Society has just published a special section  
with papers studying different field sites in Singapore, Cambodia and  
Australia as well among Cuban-Americans in Miami where digitally  
networked technologies were used in and for processes of social  

*Media, Culture & Society (September 2014 issue, no. 36(6)) special  
section: Digital media - social memory*
Guest editors: Christian Pentzold and Christine Lohmeier

Find the special section here: http://mcs.sagepub.com/content/36/6.toc

In times when all walks of live seem to be mediated, in the ubiquitous  
presence of communication devices and ever more ways to produce,  
store, remix and distribute messages, the special section assembles  
research and thinking on the relationship of social media and social  
memory and to ponder on key themes of current as well as future  
research. Memory and media are inseparable. Since the very beginnings  
of human culture, media have been employed to fix, share and store  
expressions and impressions of individual and collective experiences.  
Remembrance thus lives and sustains itself in mediated memorable  
objects and symbolic representations that become enmeshed and  
activated in memory work such as colloquial conversation, ritual  
ceremonies, retrospectives or reminiscences. Moreover, from wall  
paints and cuneiforms via manuscripts and prints to the rise of  
networked electronic infrastructures and digital media,  
socio-technical innovations reassemble the practices and materials of  
individual and collective commemorations. Taking this continuing twin  
relation, the special section captures empirical research that studies  
the interplay of current media and social changes and the acts and  
artefacts of memory. Given the swift appearance, broad diffusion and  
profound impact of novel connective and mobile services and  
applications, the special section considers how social media relate to  
the ways we ‘do’ memory.


Media, Culture & Society (September 2014, issue 36, no. 6: pp.  
745-809). Special section: Digital media - social memory. Guest  
editors: Christian Pentzold and Christine Lohmeier

Emily Keightley and Philip Schlesinger
Digital media – social memory: remembering in digitally networked times
Media, Culture & Society September 2014 36: 745-747,  

Anna Reading
Seeing red: a political economy of digital memory
Media, Culture & Society September 2014 36: 748-760,  

Kai Khiun Liew, Natalie Pang, and Brenda Chan
Industrial railroad to digital memory routes: remembering the last  
railway in Singapore
Media, Culture & Society September 2014 36: 761-775, 2014  

Christine Lohmeier and Christian Pentzold
Making mediated memory work: Cuban-Americans, Miami media and the  
doings of diaspora memories
Media, Culture & Society September 2014 36: 776-789, 2014  

Stephanie Benzaquen
Looking at the Tuol Sleng Museum of Genocidal Crimes, Cambodia, on  
Flickr and YouTube
Media, Culture & Society September 2014 36: 790-809, 2014  
Dr. Christian Pentzold

Technische Universität Chemnitz, Institute for Media Research

Associate Researcher
Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet & Society, Berlin

Fon: +49-(0)371-531-38798
Fax: +49-(0)371-531-27429
christian.pentzold [at] hiig.de

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