[Air-L] 4th Technological Ubiquity Conference

Liana Gross Furini lianagrossfurini at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 10:52:58 PDT 2014


The Study Group on Technological Ubiquity, composed and managed by master's
and doctoral students of the Graduate Program in Social Communication of
PUCRS, invites the academic community and interested in the areas of
Research, Communication, Technology and Education to participate in the 4th
Technological Ubiquity Confetence. The event will take place on October
29th, at 3pm in the Auditorium of Famecos (PUCRS - Porto Alegre - Brazil).

The Technological Ubiquity Conference is an event organized since 2011 by
the Study Group in Technological Ubiquity (UBITEC), linked to the the
Postgraduate Program in Social Communication of the Pontifical Catholic
University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGCOM/PUCRS). The central purpose of the
event is to provide a space for discussion and reflection on the role of
digital technologies of communication in our society, since these are
present in all contemporary social processes.

The 4th Technological Ubiquity Conference will be composed by three axes:
Research, Education and Market. It is intended to discuss the different
aspects of ubiquitous communication in these contexts, addressing
perspectives of uses and appropriations of information and communication
technologies; media convergence; transmedia; educational processes and
perspectives; technological ubiquity in research communication; digital

To discuss these issues, the event will consist of four discussion panels,
which will count with the participation of researchers and professionals in
the proposed areas.

*Discussion Panels *

Panel I - Technologies of everyday life: uses and appropriations
Panel II - Study groups of PPGCOM/PUCRS: different perspectives of ubiquity
in Communication researches
Panel III - Technology integrated with education: challenges and
Panel IV - Ubiquitous communication, convergence and market

The main objective of the Conference is to discuss the uses and
appropriations of information technologies and ubiquitous communication and
how they have been impacting the various aspects of social, academic and
professional life.

One of the central points of the 4th Meeting is to dialogue with researches
conducted in several areas of Communication. The proposal to bring together
the Study Groups of PPGCOM/PUCRS reaffirms the importance of discussing
such context, showing the diversity and multiplicity of studies covering
the two research lines of the Program.

4th Technological Ubiquity Meeting
October 29th, 2014
>From 3pm to 9pm
Auditorium of Famecos (Building 7 - PUCRS)
Free entry
Contact: ubitecppgcom at gmail.com
Website: ubitecpucrs.wordpress.com

Registrations can be done until October 26th: https://goo.gl/nh1ndo
* The entry in the event without registration will be permitted as long as
there are available seats

Liana Furini

Mestranda em Comunicação Social

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