[Air-L] PNAS opinion piece on the creepy Facebook study

Pimple, Kenneth pimple at indiana.edu
Fri Oct 3 11:48:01 PDT 2014

"Learning as we go: Lessons from the publication of Facebook's social-computing research" by 
Jeffrey P. Kahn, Effy Vayena, and Anna C. Mastroianni. PNAS 111(38):13677-13679 (Sept. 23) doi: 10.1073/pnas.1416405111 http://www.pnas.org/content/111/38/13677.full


Kenneth D. Pimple, Ph.D.
Director of Teaching Research Ethics Programs
Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions
Indiana University
618 East Third Street
Bloomington IN 47405-3602
(812) 856-4986
FAX 855-3315
pimple at indiana.edu 
Blog: http://nationalethicscenter.org/groups/trewde/blog 
Twitter: @TeachRCR - https://twitter.com/TeachRCR

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