[Air-L] @HASTS_MIT, a collaborative Twitter project

Scott MacLeod scott at scottmacleod.com
Mon Sep 1 12:18:12 PDT 2014

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Great, Amy, and AoIRs,

In what ways can MIT OCW-centric World University and School's Twitter
- - https://twitter.com/WorldUnivandSch - come into a Twitter
conversation with HASTS? WUAS is planning STEM-centric accredited
online CC degrees in large languages and in most countries,
accrediting on these for example -
http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/translated-courses. WUaS is also planning
to hire students at universities like MIT to become graduate student
instructors in Google + group video Hangouts, etc., to teach to MIT
faculty here - http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/audio-video-courses/ .


On 9/1/14 12:01 PM, Amy Johnson wrote:
> I'm very excited to announce that @HASTS_MIT<https://twitter.com/HASTS_MIT>, a collaborative Twitter project, officially launches today! HASTS is History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology & Society at MIT. Each week of the fall 2014 semester a different HASTS community member -- students, faculty, alumni, staff, affiliates, etc. -- will run the @HASTS_MIT account. Check it out for thoughts on research, projects, reading, fieldwork, and much more. We've got a great lineup for the semester, reflective of the many interests of the HASTS community. Come join us!
> You can follow the account<https://twitter.com/HASTS_MIT> or, if you don't have a Twitter account of your own, just stop by now and then at https://twitter.com/HASTS_MIT<https://twitter.com/HASTS_MIT.>.
> September schedule (bios below)
> 9/1 - 9/7      Mitali Thakor
> 9/8 - 9/14     Ian Condry
> 9/15 - 9/21   Amy Johnson
> 9/22 - 9/28   Wade Roush
> 9/29 - 10/5   Lan Li
> If you have questions or comments about the project, please contact me at amyj at mit.edu. Twitter works, too ~ @shrapnelofme<https://twitter.com/shrapnelofme>.
> And for those of you in the US today, Happy Labor Day!
> ~Amy
> Mitali Thakor<http://web.mit.edu/hasts/graduate/thakor.html>, HASTS PhD candidate
> Mitali studies sex work, sex trafficking, technology, and digital forensics. Mitali uses Feminist STS and critical race studies to explore the ways in which activists, computer scientists, lawyers, and law enforcement officials negotiate their relationships to anti-trafficking via emergent technologies and discourses of carceral control.
> Mitali also tweets as @mitalithakor<https://twitter.com/mitalihttps://twitter.com/mitalithakorthakor>.
> Ian Condry<http://web.mit.edu/anthropology/people/faculty/condry.html>, HASTS faculty
> Ian Condry is a cultural anthropologist and associate professor in Foreign Languages and Literatures with joint appointments in Comparative Media Studies and in Anthropology. In his recent book, The Soul of Anime: Collaborative Creativity and Japan’s Media Success Story<http://www.dukeupress.edu/Catalog/ViewProduct.php?productid=19608&viewby=series&categoryid=26&sort=newest> (2013, Duke University Press), he argues that the practices of "collaborative creativity" that we see in the global success of Japanese animation offer a model for understanding how media and culture are changing in the twenty-first century. He is also the author of Hip-Hop Japan: Rap and the Paths of Cultural Globalization<http://www.dukeupress.edu/Catalog/ViewProduct.php?productid=6710&viewby=author&lastname=Condry&firstname=Ian&middlename=&sort=newest> (2006, Duke University Press), which was translated into Japanese and published as Nihon no Hip-Hop (2009, NTT Publications). The book explores ethnographical
y how hip-hop took root and developed in Japan, with a focus on Japanese musicians and their fans, including fieldwork in Tokyo nightclubs and recording studios. Overall, he is interested in "globalization from below," that is, how cultural movements spread transnationally without little push from corporations and governments.
> Ian also tweets as @iancondry<https://twitter.com/iancondry>.
> Amy Johnson<http://web.mit.edu/hasts/graduate/johnson.html>, HASTS PhD candidate
> How do communities of understanding form online? To explore this question, Amy investigates online parody as a form of social critique. She researches the political and linguistic dimensions of digital voice, how social media navigates the complexities of location and jurisdiction in different legal regimes, the relationship between collaborative creativity and sociotechnical affordances, and similar fun topics. Her dissertation focuses on Twitter parody across multiple language environments (English, Arabic, and Japanese). The @HASTS_MIT<https://twitter.com/HASTS_MIT> project is one of her brainchildren.
> Amy also tweets as @shrapnelofme<https://twitter.com/shrapnelofme>.
> Wade Roush<https://ksj.mit.edu/about/faculty-staff/wade-roush/>, HASTS alum & Acting Director, Knight Science Journalism at MIT
> Wade Roush is acting director of the Knight Science Journalism at MIT<http://ksj.mit.edu>, a fellowship program that brings 12 to 15 mid-career science and technology journalists to MIT for nine months of immersion in the Institute's culture of discovery and innovation. He's also a research associate in the Program in Science, Technology, and Society<http://web.mit.edu/sts/>, the Knight program's academic home. Roush was formerly editor-at large at Xconomy, an online news networking covering high-tech innovation in startup hubs across the United States. He joined Xconomy in 2007 as chief correspondent, working from Cambridge, MA, then moved to San Francisco in 2010 to lead Xconomy’s operations in the Bay Area. At Xconomy, Roush created and served as managing editor of Xperience, a section of the website devoted to exploring the impact of technology on consumers. He also wrote more than 280 editions of a weekly column under the running titles World Wide Wade (2007-2013) and VOX: The
Voice of Xperience (2013-2014). Before joining Xconomy, Roush was senior editor and San Francisco bureau chief at MIT Technology Review from 2001 to 2006, and served as executive editor of TechnologyReview.com<http://www.technologyreview.com/>. Before that, he was the Boston bureau reporter for Science, managing editor of supercomputing publications at NASA Ames Research Center, and Web editor at the pioneering e-publishing startup NuvoMedia, the company that developed the Rocket eBook. His personal website is www.waderoush.com<http://www.waderoush.com>.
> Wade also tweets as @wroush<https://twitter.com/wroush>.
> Lan Li<http://web.mit.edu/hasts/graduate/li.html>, HASTS PhD candidate
> Lan Li studies the history and practice of integrating biomedicine and Chinese medicine. Her research compares social and political circumstances that contributed to the plurality of medicine in Britain and China during the 19th and 20th centuries. She enjoys exploring the body as a space of constant transformation, examining treatments for terminal illnesses and chronic pain.
> Lan also tweets as @worldismarble<https://twitter.com/worldismarble>.
> ---
> Amy Johnson
> PhD candidate<http://web.mit.edu/hasts/graduate/johnson.html>, MIT HASTS
> Berkman Center for Internet & Society<http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/people/ajohnson>, Harvard
> @shrapnelofme<https://twitter.com/shrapnelofme>
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