[Air-L] The Journal of Media Innovations 1 (2) now out

Charles Ess charles.ess at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 07:10:50 PDT 2014

Dear AoIRists,

On behalf of our Editorial Team, authors, reviewers, and supporting
institutions, we are pleased to announce the online publication of the
Journal of Media Innovations, Volume 1, Issue 2.


Our second issue includes four articles devoted to the theme of
Innovations in the Newsroom, and includes an additional general article
and two book reviews (see Table of Contents below).  In my introduction, I
highlight the common themes and connections, including:
(1) the primary brakes on media innovations, for better and for worse,
frequently come from within the media sectors (e.g., editorial offices,
newsroom practices, business practices), in contrast with innovation as
developed and "pushed" from the ICT industries; and
(2) two of the theme issue articles take up the core normative value of
autonomy, highlighting how far innovations may foster and/or hinder
consumer and/or journalistic autonomy. These connect in turn with themes
and threads raised in our Inaugural Issue, beginning with the necessity of
taking a holistic approach in our analyses of media innovations.
Both scholars and practitioners will find much additional important
reading here, including, e.g., what works in practice to foster and/or
hinder the cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary cooperation essential for
new innovations to be effectively taken up in journalistic practices (and

Table of Contents:
Editor's Introduction: Innovations in the newsroom ­ and
Beyond - Charles Melvin Ess 1-9
The Agents of Media Innovation Activities: Actors, Actants,
and Audiences - Oscar Westlund, Seth C. C. Lewis 10-35
Working with or next to each other? Boundary crossing in the
field of information visualisation - Gerard Smit, Yael de Haan, Laura
Buijs 36-51
Perceptions of Intra-Organizational Collaboration and Media
Workers’ Interests in Media Innovations - Oscar Westlund, Arne H Krumsvik
Multiskilling in the newsroom ­ de-skilling or re-skilling
of journalistic work? - Gunnar Nygren 75-96
Social network sites: an innovative form of political communication? A
socio-technical approach to media innovation - Sandrine Roginsky 97-125
Book Reviews
Review of Audience Research Methodologies
Ingela Wadbring 126-128
Review of Making News at The New York Times
Maria Theresa Konow-Lund 129-131

The Journal of Media Innovations serves the professional and research
communities engaged in
the cross-disciplinary field of media innovations. The Journal is open
access, peer reviewed, and published two times annually via the University
of Oslo's FRITT initiative (Frie tidsskrifter fra UiO ­ Free Journals from
the University of Oslo). The Journal is sponsored by the Centre for
Research in Media Innovations (CeRMI) and the Department of Media and
Communication, University of Oslo.

Additional information on upcoming issues, including submission
requirements and deadlines, is also found on the Journal website.

With a thousand thanks to all who have made this Journal and this second
issue possible,

Charles Ess
Professor in Media Studies
Department of Media and Communication
Director, Centre for Research on Media Innovations
Editor, The Journal of Media Innovations

My latest book, Digital Media Ethics, is now available from Polity:

University of Oslo 
P.O. Box 1093 Blindern
Oslo Norway
email: charles.ess at media.uio.no

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