[Air-L] 2nd Call for Editors: Real Virtual Hardware Issue

Tzafnat Shpak tzafnat.shpak at jvwresearch.org
Tue Sep 16 05:26:28 PDT 2014

      [image: Journal of Virtual Worlds Logo]

2nd Call for Editors: Real Virtual Hardware

September 16, 2014

We are looking for a *Prime Editor* and 1-2 co-editors (you can join as a
group) to lead this “Real Virtual Hardware” issue due to be published
2015Q3. If you have an interest and background in the field, as well as
experience in academic editing, please send us your CV and a cover letter
explaining why you are the perfect person to the task. Email the lot to
info at jvwresearch.org.

These days’ news is all about technology: *Apple Watch*
*Samsung’s Gear VR headset*
for smartphones; *Oculus Rift* acquisition by *Facebook*
and more. This period is therefore a timely occasion to examine the
importance of *Virtual Reality hardware* and its current and future
presence in the market.

*Virtual worlds are now being augmented with hardware that includes*:

   - Oculus Rift
   - Leap Motion
   - Google  Glass
   - Eyesight
   - Omnidirectional Treadmills
   - Intel Camera
   - Precision Position Tracking
   - Sony Project Morpheus
   - Head Mounted Displays
   - …
   - …
   - And more…

 We are looking for research papers on and not limited to:

   - Description of current and new hardware
   - Research on new interfaces
   - New market analyses that stems from new hardware
   - Users perception & insights
   - Market impacts
   - …
   - …
   - And more

 Final decision about the editor will be made by *end of October* or
earlier based on the information we get.

For more details about editors’ role and requirements see JVWR site -->
About JVWR --> For Editors
Publication is planned for *Q3 of 2015*.
Potential authors are invited to think about these subjects. An official
call will be placed by the issue editor, once selected.

Further Information:
The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (http://www.jvwresearch.org/) is an
online, open access academic journal that engages a wide spectrum of
scholarship and welcomes contributions from the many disciplines and
approaches that intersect virtual worlds’ research. The field of virtual
worlds’ research is a continuously evolving area of study that spans across
many disciplines and the JVWR editorial team looks forward to engaging a
wide range of creative and scholarly work.

For any further information regarding this call, please contact:
tzafnat.shpak AT jvwresearch DOT org

   - Past issues
   are available on our website's special All Issues cover view page.
   - We welcome you to join our *Facebook
   - Follow us *@theJVWR
   on Twitter
   - Subscribe to *JVWR
   mailing list (top left of http://www.jvwreserach.org

 We are looking forward to your proposals for an intriguing new issue,

*Prof. Yesha Y. Sivan*                            *Tzafnat Shpak*
Editor In-Chief                                       Coordinating Editor

*TheJVWR - The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research*

*[image: Like 2nd Call for Editors: Real Virtual Hardware on Facebook]

[image: Apple-Watch on JVWR call]

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