[Air-L] Human Ecosystems in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with SESC and Universidade Metodista

xDxD.vs.xDxD xdxd.vs.xdxd at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 08:41:15 PDT 2014

Hi All,

about the Human Ecosystems project introduced in the last mail:


We're launching it in Sao Paulo Brazil in these days, also including an
extensive workshop for researchers, artists, designers, public
administrations and social entrepreneurs.

Come if you are around. Get in touch if you want: we would love to share
data, methods, models and practices, for mutual validation.


*Salvatore Iaconesi*

salvatore.iaconesi at artisopensource.net
skype: xdxdVSxdxd

*CEO Human Ecosystems LTD*: http://human-ecosystems.com/

*Art is Open Source*: http://www.artisopensource.net
*TED Fellow 2012*: http://fellows.ted.com/profiles/salvatore-iaconesi
*Eisenhower Fellow 2013*: http://www.efworld.org/
*Yale World Fellow 2014: *http://worldfellows.yale.edu/salvatore-iaconesi

Contract Professor of Digital Design at La Sapienza University of Rome

Professor of Digital Design at ISIA Design Florence

Professor of Interaction Design at IED Istituto Europeo di Design

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