[Air-L] Sampling facebook pages

Annette Markham amarkham at gmail.com
Sun Sep 14 02:55:25 PDT 2014

Hi Noha,

Not sure what you’ve already done to establish the most appropriate sampling plan, but off the top of my head systematic is not part of random sampling.  You’re probably doing a purposeful sampling. Are you taking a qualitative or quantitative orientation to the analysis? That makes a difference in how you’ll describe (and conduct) the sample.

As for further reading:  Because these two books are sitting open on my desk, I can recommend these basic introductions to sampling concepts and terms:

Sarah Tracy’s textbook on qualitative research methods:  covers different qualitative sampling strategies (in the chapter on interviewing). http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-EHEP002631.html 
I’ve shared a screenshot of her summary of types of sampling here, but the larger section is much more detailed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6jmm7th5mbl0jfz/tracysamplingchart.png?dl=0
Donald Treadwell’s textbook on introducing Communication Research: presents positivist and interpretivist notions of sampling.  http://www.sagepub.com/textbooks/Book237564
You can see a copy of Treadwell's chapter on sampling here:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/0320vm66m0gec2w/Treadwellch8Sampling.pdf?dl=0

and here’s a nice piece that cuts deeper into the ideas and complexity of qualitative sampling:



On 14 Sep 2014, at 11:22, Noha Nagi <noha.a.nagi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Professors and colleagues,
> I was wondering if there are different sampling methods for internet data
> than the already known sampling methods.
> For my research, I was thinking of taking a *systematic random sample* from
> facebook posts on a each of four facebook pages. I have no information
> about the heterogeneity between the different pages according to any
> variable (gender, political affiliation...) so I thought it is not
> stratified nor cluster, and it will be more likely a systematic sample.
>    Is systematic sampling* logically right*?
>    Did any one come across *other sampling techniques for facebook pages*?
> or internet data in general?
>    Can anyone suggest *a book to read about this*?
> I would love to hear any advice from you.
> Yours,
> *Noha A.Nagi*
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