[Air-L] Sampling facebook pages

Noha Nagi noha.a.nagi at gmail.com
Sun Sep 14 02:22:21 PDT 2014

Dear Professors and colleagues,

I was wondering if there are different sampling methods for internet data
than the already known sampling methods.

For my research, I was thinking of taking a *systematic random sample* from
facebook posts on a each of four facebook pages. I have no information
about the heterogeneity between the different pages according to any
variable (gender, political affiliation...) so I thought it is not
stratified nor cluster, and it will be more likely a systematic sample.

    Is systematic sampling* logically right*?

    Did any one come across *other sampling techniques for facebook pages*?
or internet data in general?

    Can anyone suggest *a book to read about this*?

I would love to hear any advice from you.

*Noha A.Nagi*

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