[Air-L] C&C New Issue

Rice, Rich rich.rice at ttu.edu
Thu Dec 10 06:58:30 PST 2015


It is my pleasure to announce a new issue of Computers and Composition (Volume 38, Part B), released this month, on global communication. The issue includes articles from Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch, Randall W. Monty, Gustav Verhulsdonck, Diane Martinez, and Adam Strantz. Access it through ScienceDirect at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/87554615/38/supp/PB or of course wait for the print version through Elsevier. Titles of contributions:

- Kirk St.Amant, Rich Rice: "Online writing in global contexts: Rethinking the nature of connections and communication in the age of international online media" (Introduction)

- Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch: "Glocalization in website writing: The case of MNsure and imagined/actual audiences"

- Randall W. Monty: "Everyday borders of transnational students: Composing place and space with mobile technology, social media, and multimodality"

- Gustav Verhulsdonck: "From cultural markers to global mobile: Using interaction design for composing mobile designs in global contexts"

- Diane Martinez: "Language, history, politics, and culture in global communication through the Bologna Process documentation"

- Adam Strantz: "Wayfinding in Global Contexts—Mapping localized research practices with mobile devices"

Guest editors: Kirk St.Amant and Rich Rice
General editor: Kris Blair



Dr. Rich Rice

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