[Air-L] 3rd CfP (DEADLINE EXTENDED): CSCW 2016 Workshop: Developing a Research Agenda for Human-Centered Data Science

Cecilia Aragon aragon at uw.edu
Thu Dec 10 10:24:28 PST 2015

[Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP]

Due to multiple requests, we have extended the deadline for position paper
submission one week, to December 18.


*Developing a Research Agenda for Human-Centered Data Science*

in conjunction with CSCW 2016

Sunday, February 28th, 2016
San Francisco, CA, USA

Workshop Website:

Important dates:
- EXTENDED DEADLINE: 18th December 2015: Submission of Position Papers
- 18th January 2016: Notification of acceptance
- 25th January 2016: Camera-ready version
- 28th February 2016: Workshop at CSCW 2016

The study and analysis of large and complex data sets offer a wealth of
insights in a variety of applications. Computational approaches provide
researchers access to broad assemblages of data, but the insights extracted
may lack the rich detail that qualitative approaches have brought to the
understanding of sociotechnical phenomena. How do we preserve the richness
associated with traditional qualitative methods while utilizing the power
of large data sets? How do we uncover social nuances or consider ethics and
values in data use?

These and other questions are explored by human-centered data science, an
emerging field at the intersection of human-computer interaction (HCI),
computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), human computation, and the
statistical and computational techniques of data science. This workshop,
the first of its kind at CSCW, seeks to bring together researchers
interested inhuman-centered approaches to data science to collaborate,
define a research agenda, and form a community.

This workshop provides a venue for attendees to discuss a variety of topics
in human-centered data science.  We welcome researchers interested in
exploring how data-driven and qualitative research can be integrated to
address complex questions in a diverse range of areas, including but not
limited to social computing, urban, health, or crisis informatics,
scientific, business, policy, technical, and other fields. Researchers and
practitioners working with large data sets (“big data”) and/or qualitative
data sets looking to expand their methodological toolbox are invited to
participate and share their experiences while learning from the broader

Topics and themes of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Deep ethnographic methods: How do we preserve the richness of traditional
qualitative techniques in data science?
- Scaling up qualitative data analysis: How do we deal with ever growing
qualitative datasets?
- Quantitative and behavioral methods: How are quantitative and behavioral
methods related to data mining, machine learning, and qualitative methods?
- Connecting across levels of analysis: How can we integrate the analysis
of personal data with large-scale data?
- Ethics and values of data use: What ethical questions should we raise in
using large-scale online data?
- Privacy of data use: How can we preserve anonymity and privacy
within data ecosystems
that can easily expose users?
- Human-centered algorithm design: How do we design machine learning
algorithms tailored for human use and understanding?
- Understanding community data: How can we integrate knowledge gained about
communities from their aggregate social data as well as their personal
- Health and well-being at micro and macro scales: What understandings can
be exposed or occluded by aggregate or granular perspectives on health and

Please submit a position paper (from 2 to 4 pages in the CSCW ACM sigCHI EA
format – see
2016/view) by 18th December 2015 to hcds.cscw2016 at gmail.com

The submissions will be reviewed by the organizers with support of other
researchers in a dedicated program committee and selected according to
their potential to contribute to the workshop topic and to foster

All accepted contributions (notifications will be sent out by 18 January
2016) will be made available on the website to allow participants to
prepare for the workshop. The organizers may consider the publication of
revised versions of accepted papers as part of a special issue in a CSCW
related journal.

Cecilia Aragon, University of Washington.
CJ Hutto, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Yun Huang, Syracuse University.
Wanli Xing, University of Missouri.
Gina Neff, University of Washington.
Jinyoung Kim, University of Maryland, College Park.
Andy Echenique, University of California, San Diego and San Diego
Supercomputer Center.
Joseph Bayer, University of Michigan.
Brittany Fiore-Gartland, University of Washington.

For more details, check the workshop website:

For any further information on the workshop please contact
hcds.cscw2016 at gmail.com

Cecilia R. Aragon, Associate Professor
Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington
Senior Data Science Fellow, eScience Institute
407A Sieg Hall, Box 352315, Seattle, WA 98195 USA

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