[Air-L] EXTENDED FINAL DEADLINE 15th JANUARY 2016 CFP Special Issue of Popular Communication: Self-(Re)presentation Now
Nancy Thumim
N.Thumim at leeds.ac.uk
Wed Dec 16 12:46:27 PST 2015
Hi all
Seasons Greetings, Nancy.
Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and Culture
Special Issue: Self-(Re)presentation Now
Guest Editor: Nancy Thumim
*Call for Papers*
The editors of Popular Communication: The International Journal of Media and
Culture invite submissions for a special issue on the topic of
We welcome critical approaches in new media, film, television and
cultural studies; media and communication studies; museum studies and
allied fields. We seek manuscripts that examine the politics, practices
and aesthetics of self-(re)presentation and that engage critically with
questions of conceptualization and methodology.
>From a time when self-(re)presentation was arguably a marginal, often
political, practice at the edges of media culture, we are at a moment in
media and cultural spaces in diverse local and national contexts where
we are seeing:
1) An explosion of individual and group self-(re)presentations;
2) an explosion of popular and media discussion about the practice,
possibilities and promise for presenting and representing the self and
3) a corresponding explosion of academic research tackling different
kinds of presentations, performances and representations of individual
selves and communities.
This special issue of Popular Communication: The International Journal
of Media and Culture aims to showcase intersecting, contradictory,
complementary and critical approaches to self-(re)presentation. We are
aiming for a multi-disciplinary issue that will showcase excellent
scholarship on self-(re)presentation with the aim of highlighting key
areas of debate and contention in research that invokes the concept of
We welcome proposals for articles addressing topics including (but not
limited to) the following:
·Questions of methodology and conceptualisation of self-(re)presentation
·Historical approaches to self-(re)presentation
·Visual studies of self-(re)presentations
·Audiences for self-(re)presentations
·Practices and uses of self-(re)presentation by particular individuals,
groups and communities
·The relationship of audio visual and digital self-(re)presentation to
political representation and questions of citizenship
·Self-(re)presentation and Big Data
·Self-(re)presentation, surveillance and sousveillance
·Self-(re)presentational photography and film making as political
practice for groups and communities
·Community Media and self-(re)presentation
·Self-(re)presentation and documentary
·Self-(re)presentation and photography
·Invited, facilitated and co-produced self-(re)presentation
·Digital storytelling
Submitted papers should be *6,000 -7,000 words* in length (inclusive of
all elements). Thedeadline for submission is *15 JANUARY 2016*. Peer review and author responses to peer review will then be completed by *30th December 2016*,*with anticipated publication of the special issue in early 2017*. NancyThumim n.thumim at leeds.ac.uk<mailto:n.thumim at leeds.ac.uk>welcomes email
queries before this date. Instructions for submitting your article can
be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/hppc20/currentSome
manuscripts may not be sent out for review if deemed inappropriate for
the journal.
Popular Communication provides a forum for scholarly investigation,
analysis, and dialogue on communication symbols, forms, phenomena and systems within
the context of popular culture across the globe. Popular Communication publishes
articles on all aspects of popular communication, examining different media such as
television, film, new media, games, print media, radio, music, and dance; the study of
texts, events, artefacts, spectacles, audiences, technologies, and industries; and
phenomena and practices, including, but not limited to, fan, youth and subcultures,
questions of representation, digitalisation, cultural globalization, spectator
sports, sexuality, advertising, and consumer culture.
Yours sincerely
Patrick C Burkart, Miyase Christensen, Mehdi Semati, Nabeel Zuberi
and Nancy Thumim
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