[Air-L] Izmir: Mapping Alternative Routes out of Capitalism 8 Jan deadline.

Phoebe Moore pvm.doc at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 07:03:01 PST 2015

See below a call for panels and papers for a section in the EISA
conference, Izmir, Turkey, 7-10 September 2016.

The section seeks panels and papers on alternatives to capitalism, and how
we might achieve them, both within the capitalist present and on the route
to a post-capitalist society. We welcome papers on explicit contestation of
capitalism through varyingly autonomous forms of struggle as well as
futurist, anti-proprietary or gift culture movements, survivalism,
cooperatives, DIY culture, permaculture, experimentation with cybernetics
and post-humanist ideals, as well as revived institutional interests in

The deadline for proposals is 8 January 2016 and must be done online
through the EISA conference tool website -

Please feel free to contact us first to discuss informally ahead of
submitting proposals:

David Bailey (d.j.bailey at bham.ac.uk) and Phoebe Moore (p.moore at mdx.ac.uk)

Section title: Mapping Alternative Routes out of Capitalism

The critical study of global capitalism and the hegemony of neoliberalism
are both central to the study of international relations and international
political economy. Research has focused less, however, on questioning how
(if at all) we might go beyond capitalism. This is despite global
capitalism remaining dangerously unstable, not least because the global
economic crisis that began in 2008 continues to linger without any obvious
resolution to it. The aim of this section, therefore, is to bring together
those with an interest in the rise of alternatives at varied positions
along the ideological spectrum; mapping, studying, theorising,
highlighting, judging and assessing practices which form contemporary
alternatives to, and problems for, global capitalism. This includes
pathways in local, regional and global contexts. In particular, we note two
emerging types of response, each of which expose the ever-present
possibility and presence of sometimes surprising and contradictory routes
outside of capitalism, as well as raising the question of technology in
contemporary social change.

On the one hand, we see various modified projects seeking alternative
routes to social justice and rights: futurist, anti-proprietary or gift
culture movements, survivalism, cooperatives, DIY culture, permaculture,
experimentation with cybernetics and post-humanist ideals, as well as
revived institutional interests in wellbeing. On the other hand, we see the
explicit contestation of capitalism through varyingly autonomous forms of
struggle: Occupy, the indignados, the Greek grassroots projects, Rojava,
and, then, the electoral manifestation of some of these trends within
Syriza, Podemos, Barcelona en Comú, and Jeremy Corbyn.

Section convenors: David Bailey (d.j.bailey at bham.ac.uk) and Phoebe Moore (
p.moore at mdx.ac.uk).

Submissions to be made here: https://www.conftool.pro/paneuropean2016/

Deadline for submissions: 8 January 2016

Conference website and more details: www.paneuropeanconference.org/2016

Dr Phoebe V Moore
Personal email pvm.doc at gmail.com
Work email p.moore at mdx.ac.uk
Twitter phoebemoore
Profile http://www.mdx.ac.uk/aboutus/staffdirectory/phoebe-moore.aspx
Biolog http://phoebevmoore.wordpress.com/

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