[Air-L] CYPSY21, Dublin – Extension of abstract submission deadline

Grainne Kirwan grainne.kirwan.iadt at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 06:43:15 PST 2015

With apologies for cross-postings...

Due to popular demand, and the current festive season, we are extending the
deadline for abstract submissions for the 21st CyberPsychology,
CyberTherapy, and Social Networking conference until 15th January 2016. The
conference will be held from June 27th-29th in Dublin, Ireland.

Many high quality abstracts have already been received, but we are keen to
have as diverse a range of presentations and posters as possible, so please
do consider submitting an abstract of no more than 250 words via the
‘Abstract Submission’ page on http://interactivemediainstitute.com/cypsy21/


We do hope that you and your students will be able to attend and present at
the conference. For conference updates, please do follow us on Twitter
(@CYPSYConference) and if you’d like to tweet about the event, the
conference hashtag is #CYPSY21

We’re also on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/InteractiveMediaInstitute


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at
cybertherapy at vrphobia.com or grainne.kirwan at iadt.ie

<grainne.kirwan at iadt.ie>

Kind regards

Grainne Kirwan (Conference Co-Chair)

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