[Air-L] New book announcement: Feminism, Labour and Digital Media: The Digital Housewife

Sharif Mowlabocus S.J.Mowlabocus at sussex.ac.uk
Thu Dec 10 05:34:18 PST 2015

From the table of contents this looks like a superb and much needed contribution to the fields that it speaks to. I shall be ordering several copies and putting it on our UG and PGT modules here at Sussex very soon. Congratulations Kylie!

> On 10 Dec 2015, at 09:30, Kylie Jarrett <Kylie.Jarrett at nuim.ie> wrote:
> I am delighted to announce the publication of my new book: Feminism, Labour and Digital Media: The Digital Housewife, available from Routledge.
> This book argues for using Marxist feminist theories about the role of domestic work in capitalism to explore the nature of digital media’s consumer labour. In particular, it focuses on the debate about whether users are exploited in and alienated by their online activity or if they do indeed experience unalienated, socially meaningful exchanges, challenging this unhelpful binary. It uses the concept of the Digital Housewife to outline the relationship between the work we do online and the unpaid sphere of social reproduction. It demonstrates how feminist perspectives expand our critique of consumer labour in digital media. In doing so, the Digital Housewife returns feminist inquiry from the margins of political economy and places it at the heart of critical digital media analysis.
> Table of contents:
> Introduction: From the Mechanical Turk to the Digital Housewife
> 1. Sexts from Marxists and Other Stories from Digital Media’s Social Factory
> 2. My Marxist Feminist Dialectic Brings All the Boys to the Yard: A Feminist Critique of the Social Factory
> 3. Who Says Facebook Friends Are Not Your Real Friends? Alienation and Exploitation in Digital Media
> 4. Gifts, Commodities and the Economics of Affect
> 5. I Can Haz False Consciousness? Social Reproduction and Affective Consumer Labour
> Conclusion: Beyond Consumer Labour
> My apologies for the shameless self-promotion and the absurd cost of the book. Please email me for more information. Contact details available here: https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/people/kylie-jarrett
> Thanks,
> Dr. Kylie Jarrett
> Department of Media Studies
> National University of Ireland Maynooth.
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