[Air-L] Call for submissions (and participation) for the 2nd FAIL! workshop - at IR16 in Phoenix

Weller, Katrin Katrin.Weller at gesis.org
Fri Jul 31 07:47:26 PDT 2015


        Things that didn't work out in social media research -
                      and what we can learn from them

                      2nd #FAIL! workshop (#fail2015b)
             at Internet Research Conference IR16 (#ir16)
                                     October 21, 2015
                                 Phoenix, Arizona, USA



THEME: Things that didn't work out in social media research - and what we can learn from them

Have you ever tried approaches in social media research that did not quite work out? Now is the time to share these experiences!
We would like experienced social media researchers to submit their individual stories of "failed" research approaches in the field of studying social media and social media users. We are looking for examples from all phases of the research process (e.g. data collection, data processing, data analysis, data sharing, also including administrative tasks, research ethics and legal challenges) that did not work out as expected.
Presented case studies should help other researchers in the field to advance research methodology by identifying unsuccessful approaches and to inspire discussions on alternative solutions.


We welcome IR16 participants who want to join the general discussion on pitfalls and failed approaches in social media.

In addition, we will select interesting case studies to be presented during the workshop based on an open call for submissions. Please submit an abstract describing your specific experiences if you want to give a presentation during the workshop.

Please note that all workshop participants (including presenters) have to register at the main conference and that registration fees apply (for details see: http://aoir.org/ir16/registration/). You can sign up for the #FAIL! workshop during the registration process.


Submissions should be structured abstracts of around 800 words. Please see the formatting template and additional details on how to prepare and submit your proposal: https://failworkshops.wordpress.com/call-for-submissions-at-ir16/
Submissions will be made via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=fail2015b

Authors of accepted submissions will present their work at #fail2015b workshop in Phoenix. The abstracts of accepted submissions and presentation slides will be shared via the workshop Website.


Abstract submission deadline: September 10, 2015 (23:59 Hawaii time)

Notification: October 1, 2015

Final version upload: October 10, 2015

Workshop date: October 21, 2015 (9am-12pm)

IR16 Conference dates: October 21-24, 2015


This is a half-day workshop that will take place on Wednesday, October 21st, starting at 9am. We aim for an interactive workshop format, consisting of short presentations and interactive discussions. The workshop will start with a short report from the first FAIL workshop, which was held at Web Science Conference 2015 in Oxford in June 2015.
In the discussions we aim at collaboratively searching for alternative solutions for the presented problems.


We are planning to organize additional #FAIL! workshops at other conferences in the future. In this way, we want to help to connect the different communities engaged in studying social media.
Watch out the workshop website for updates on upcoming events.


Katrin Weller, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany (@kwelle, katrin.weller at gesis.org)
Luca Rossi, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark (@lr, lucr at itu.dk)
Karine Nahon, University of Washington and Interdisciplinary Center at Herzliya (karineb at uw.edu, @karineb)

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