[Air-L] new Center for Technology, Society & Policy at Berkeley

Galen Panger gpanger at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 14:31:02 PDT 2015

Just wanted to put this on people's radar screens here. We soft launched a
new Center for Technology, Society & Policy <http://ctsp.berkeley.edu> at
UC Berkeley yesterday, with four focus areas: engineering ethics,
technology and well-being, standards and governance, and digital
citizenship. My co-director Nick Doty and I are trying to do things a
little bit differently: prioritizing funding to support promising graduate
students and postdocs, tying fellowships to collaborative projects with
concrete, time-delimited outcomes, and hosting a "proposalthon" (we'll come
up with a better name) to encourage people to meet across disciplines and
write proposals together. We'll have a blog, too, and hope to host
interesting voices and perspectives.

Hope you'll sign up <http://eepurl.com/bs-ILb> for our email list, and
encourage others who might be interested to do so as well.

Some links to share / tweets to retweet if the mood strikes...


Galen and Nick

galen at ischool.berkeley.edu / @gpanger

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