[Air-L] Are you attending AOM? Let's discuss emerging ethical issues!

Janet Salmons, Ph.D. jesalmons at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 06:56:37 PDT 2015

Hello business academics and students in AOIR-- is anyone attending the
Academy of Management meeting in Vancouver? If so, please join this caucus
about ethics and contribute to the discussion!

  *Ethics and Self-Governance in the Academy*

ProgramSession #: 1943 | Submission: *17618* | Sponsor(s): *(CAU) *
Scheduled: *Tuesday, Aug 11 2015 1:15PM - 2:45PM* at *Vancouver Convention
Centre* in *Room 218*
(See infographic: http://bit.ly/1HNsJuM)

In a rapidly-changing, digitally-connected world do Academy of
Management members face new ethics issues as academics, professionals, and
students? To what extent does the Academy of Management Code of Ethics
<http://vision2lead.com/?p=899>provide guidance for ethical actions?

This lively Caucus session will involve small group discussions about:

·        *Global membership: *Nearly half of the 18K plus AOM members are
from countries outside North America.

·        *Scholar-Practitioners in Management and Consulting Professions: *AOM
is attracting more professionals who are not full-time academics.

·        *Communication and Data in the Digital Age: *Privacy issues given
access to online data and social media have emerged in academic and
professional life.

·        *Scholar as Role Model: *Whether teaching online or in the
classroom, or supervising research, academics face ethical dilemmas.

·        *Publication Process:* Ethical dilemmas abound from the
perspectives of editors, peer reviewers and writers.

The AOM Ethics Education Committee will collect and review small group
discussion notes to determine needs for new directions and recommendations
to the Academy.

The Caucus is convened by the AOM Ethics Education Committee and the Social
Issues in Management Division. Laura Spence joins me as co-organizer.

*See you there!*
*Janet Salmons Ph.D.*
*Chair, AOM Ethics Education Committee*
*Indie Scholar @ Vision2Lead*
Site- http://www.vision2lead.com
Follow Twitter @einterview
>From Sage:* Qualitative Online Interviews *(now in Kindle edition)
On Amazon: *Social Media in Social Research*
PO Box 943
Boulder, CO 80306-0943
jsalmons at vision2lead.com

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