[Air-L] AoIR Executive Committee Election Results

Karine Nahon karineb at uw.edu
Wed Jun 3 19:22:16 PDT 2015

This is exciting - what a great group.

On 6/3/15, 12:41, "Jeffrey M Keefer" <jk904 at nyu.edu> wrote:

>Wonderful; thank you all for your service!
>Jeffrey Keefer, Ph.D.
>jk904 at nyu.edu
>Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeffreyKeefer
>LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffreykeefer
>Website: www.jeffreykeefer.com
>Blog: www.silenceandvoice.com
>On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Kendall, Lori <loriken at illinois.edu>
>> Folks,
>> I am excited to announce the results of our recent election for the AoIR
>> Executive Committee. But first, some thank yous and some information
>> the election.
>> I would like to thank everyone who helped set up and run the election,
>> especially Anna Lauren Hoffmann, our Association Coordinator. I also
>> our election monitors, Dylan Wittkower and Jan Fernback, who, in
>> with the terms of our Bylaws, oversaw the election process and certified
>> the results. And of course thanks to everyone who ran for office, and
>> everyone who voted! We had more candidates and more voters than ever. We
>> received 169 ballots, fully one-third of our membership.
>> We had one unusual result, a tie for the third open seat. As the Bylaws
>> make no provision for how to proceed in such a case, the AoIR Board of
>> Directors met to discuss this. We have decided that the Executive
>> benefits from a wide range of voices and that the best way to honor the
>> intent of the membership as expressed through their votes was to add a
>> fourth open seat to this 2015-2017 Executive Committee.
>> The new Executive Committee will officially take office in October at
>> Association General Meeting. We hope you'll join us in Phoenix to meet
>> them and provide your input regarding the future direction of the
>> Association.
>> And with that, here is your 2015-2017 Executive Committee!
>> President (elected as Vice President in the 2013 Election): Jenny
>> Stromer-Galley
>> Vice President (becomes President in two years): Axel Bruns
>> Immediate Past President (elected as Vice President in the 2011
>> Lori Kendall
>> Secretary: Annette Markham
>> Treasurer: Kelly Quinn
>> Graduate Student Representative: Jenny Ungbha Korn
>> Open Seats: André Brock, Jang Hyun Kim, Adrienne Massanari, Susanna
>> Paasonen
>> Thanks again to everyone who participated in the election.
>> Lori Kendall
>> President, AoIR
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