[Air-L] CFP - IndiaHCI'15 - IIT Guwahati, India

Shriram Venkatraman venkatraman.shriram at gmail.com
Tue May 26 05:58:50 PDT 2015

--- call for papers @ IndiaHCI'15 ---

We are pleased to inform you that that HCI Professionals of India have
with Department of Design, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati to
organize “7th International Conference on HCI – IndiaHCI 2015” during 17-19,
December, 2015 at IIT Guwahati, Guwahati, India.

This premier research event proposes to bring together the best minds in
academia, research and industry to discuss the recent developments and
innovations in HCI. Technical sessions will cover topics like gestural,
tangible, persuasive interfaces, user research and usability studies, novel
interaction methods, approaches and systems, cognitive psychology,
evaluation methods and frameworks and HCI in education, health,
agriculture, e-governance and accessibility. There will be full and short
papers, workshops, industrial case studies, PhD consortium, panel
discussion and student presentations of latest works from the HCI
community. Links for each track is given below.

The last conference proceedings have been published by ACM proceedings, and
we hope to continue the tradition this year as well. The conference
presents a forum for direct contact with eminent academicians, researchers
and students in the area of HCI, from India and abroad.

We invite researchers, industry professionals, students, scholars and
faculty members from your organization to actively contribute research
activities to this prestigious event.

Conference website: http://indiahci2015.com/

Full papers: http://indiahci2015.com/fullpapers.html

Short papers: http://indiahci2015.com/shortpapers.html

Industrial case studies: http://indiahci2015.com/ics.html

PhD consortium: http://indiahci2015.com/phd.html

Student Research Consortium: http://indiahci2015.com/src.html

Student Design Consortium: http://indiahci2015.com/sdc.html

Shriram Venkatraman


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