[Air-L] CITASA Special Issue of Information, Communication and Society

Laura Robinson laura at laurarobinson.org
Sat May 23 17:10:49 PDT 2015

Hello All,

I am pleased to announce that the special issue of *Information,
Communication & Society* featuring articles presented at the 2014 ASA
Meeting has been published. Please see below for the table of contents or
link to the articles at:


As with previous issues, this annual issue is sponsored by CITASA. On
behalf of myself and Apryl Williams, the co-editor on the issue, I would
like to thank everyone for participating. Thanks to the authors for their
contributions and for their help in showcasing some of the excellent work
that is happening across the CITASA section.

Best wishes,



Where we've been and where we are going


CITASA: intellectual past and future

Jennifer Earl

Romantic breakups on Facebook: new scales for studying post-breakup
behaviors, digital distress, and surveillance

Veronika Lukacs & Anabel Quan-Haase

Strategies of control: workers’ use of ICTs to shape knowledge and service

Julia Ticona

Social media use and participation: a meta-analysis of current research

Shelley Boulianne

Connecting people to politics over time? Internet communication technology
and retention in MoveOn.org and the Florida Tea Party Movement

Deana A. Rohlinger & Leslie A. Bunnage

Professional journalists in ‘citizen’ journalism

Andrew M. Lindner, Emma Connell & Erin Meyer

Digital inequalities and why they matter

Laura Robinson, Shelia R. Cotten, Hiroshi Ono, Anabel Quan-Haase, Gustavo
Mesch, Wenhong Chen, Jeremy Schulz, Timothy M. Hale & Michael J. Stern

Bigger sociological imaginations: framing big social data theory and methods

Alexander Halavais

Laura Robinson
laura at laurarobinson.org

Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Santa Clara University <http://www.laurarobinson.org/>
<laura at laurarobinson.org>

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