[Air-L] AOIR meetup at IAMCR in Montreal this July?

Becky Lentz roberta.lentz at mcgill.ca
Tue May 26 06:52:58 PDT 2015

Picking up on Sonia¹s post, I¹ve set up a Doodle poll to see who might be
available and interested in a face-to-face meetup in Montreal in July to
brainstorm about a potential AOIR convergence at the 2016 WSF in Montreal.
In Montreal, happy hour is called a Cinq à sept (or 5-7pm), so I¹ve taken
the liberty to add that as well as a lunch time for possibilities:

all the best,

-----Original Message-----
From: "Livingstone,S" <S.Livingstone at lse.ac.uk>
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 2:28 AM
To: Cameran Ashraf <chashraf at ucla.edu>
Cc: Becky Lentz <roberta.lentz at mcgill.ca>, "air-l at listserv.aoir.org"
<air-l at listserv.aoir.org>
Subject: RE: [Air-L] Towards a people's Internet

>Great point. Just to say that I won't be at AoIR sadly but if there's
>going to be folk meeting at IAMCR in Montreal (as I think raised in an
>earlier message?) I would love to join the conversation ftf. I will even
>have drafted my paper on the 'one in three' (subtext: the days of
>imagining internet governance primarily as in the interests of privileged
>white adults must be firmly put behind us)
>Best, Sonia

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