[Air-L] Fwd: LASI 2015 Bilbao: Learning Analytics Summer Institute

Alexander Ronzhyn me at ronzhyn.com
Wed May 20 01:44:07 PDT 2015


Bilbao, Spain, June 22nd and 23rd, 2015

Web: https://blogs.deusto.es/lasi2015Bilbao/

Learning Analytics (LA) is a research area that brings together experts in
very diverse subjects (educational technology, artificial intelligence,
education, data mining or psychology, etc.) with managers, administrators,
politicians and companies related to formal and informal education. Making
the most of the increasing amount of data students and teachers leave when
they interact with learning technologies is one of its main goals. However,
LA has also created high expectations about the possibility of adapting the
student learning path, developing recommendation systems, personalized
learning and formative assessment. In summary, there is an interesting
debate about the impact of LA in education.

Supported by the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR), the
Learning Analytics Summer Institutes (LASI) have become established in the
last two years as an awareness-raising, capacity-building, international
network of events, where researchers and practitioners can meet to share
their work, and envision the future. A number of activities are organized
around the world in association to this conference. The “LASI-2015 Bilbao”
International workshop is organized by the University of Deusto (UD) with
the collaboration of SNOLA (Spanish Network of Learning Analytics) on June
22 and 23 at the campus of Bilbao.

*Registration: Attending LASI Spain 2015 is free*, but It is required to
fill the registration form

If you want to share your experience with us, you still can do it, send us
an email with a summary.

Contact: Mª Luz Guenaga (mlguenaga[_at]deusto.es) / Pablo Garaizar (
Follow us at @snolaresearch and #lasi2015bilbao

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