[Air-L] Towards a people's Internet

Todd Wolfson twolfson at rci.rutgers.edu
Mon May 25 17:48:21 PDT 2015

Hi all,

I just wanted to write and say I think this is an exciting initiative. I would love to help and support this process and in particular think about how people's movements can best utilize a free internet. I understand there is a formal process for AOIR to follow, but I think this is very exciting idea.


On 5/25/15 11:50 AM, Becky Lentz wrote:
> Excellent point, thanks! Also, I¹m told that the Quebec collective that
> succeeded in convincing the WSF organizing committee in Brazil was largely
> youth-led:
> http://www.fsm2016.org/en/support-the-world-social-forum-in-montreal/list-o
> f-groups-supporting-the-initiative/. I¹m wondering if it might be a good
> idea to send the link to your recent launch of the parents¹ blog re
> internet to the ISF list?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Livingstone,S" <S.Livingstone at lse.ac.uk>
> Date: Monday, May 25, 2015 at 11:10 AM
> To: Becky Lentz <roberta.lentz at mcgill.ca>, "air-l at listserv.aoir.org"
> <air-l at listserv.aoir.org>
> Subject: RE: Towards a people's Internet
>> Hi there - this is a great initiative. I would just like to point out, as
>> 'we' write about 'the people' using the internet that fully one in three
>> of them (as far as I can calculate) is aged under 18 and therefore
>> children's particular needs, interests and voices should also be clearly
>> counted within the 'we'.
>> Am writing a paper now to this effect - happy to receive thoughts and
>> suggestions (or arguments against including children!)
>> All the best, Sonia
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Todd Wolfson, Assistant Professor
Department of Journalism and Media Studies
Rutgers University

Co-founder Media Mobilizing Project <http://www.mediamobilizing.org>
Twitter: @twolfson

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