[Air-L] BISA 2016: Critical Security Studies in the Information Age

Leonie Tanczer ltanczer01 at qub.ac.uk
Tue Oct 13 08:00:01 PDT 2015

*Apologies for cross-posting*

This is a CfP for a BISA 2016 panel proposal with the title "Critical Security Studies in the Information Age: Cybersecurity, Resistance and Activism".
The deadline for submission is the 10th of November 2015.
All submitted abstracts will thereupon be evaluated and authors informed about the outcome of their submission.

*Critical Security Studies in the Information Age: Cybersecurity, Resistance and Activism*
Panel proposal for the British International Studies Association (BISA) 41st Annual International Conference 2016, 15th to 17th June 2016, Edinburgh, UK

Cyberspace offers a new era of research for the critical study of security within the broader context of international relations. This panel intends to discuss how the current theoretical and conceptual literature in Critical Security Studies can be used to analyse the complex security and political interactions that are being shaped by the information age. The intention is to bring together contributions that attempt to conceptualise cybersecurity with empirically detailed studies that focus on threat construction, surveillance practices or acts of resistance and activism in cyberspace. Submissions that offer innovative theoretical frameworks or that bring to the debate contributions from other disciplines are particularly welcomed.

Contributions are invited that address, for instance, any of the following issues:

  *   New configurations of security in the information age
  *   Conceptualising cybersecurity and cyber-activism
  *   Empirical research on cyber security, cyber conflict, cyber terrorism as well as “cyber war”
  *   Civil liberties, surveillance/espionage and privacy in the information age
  *   The role of the internet in IR
  *   Internet as a site for transnational political and social activism
If you are interested in contributing a paper, please send an abstract of max. 200 words together with a paper title, your affiliation, address, and email to Leonie Maria Tanczer (ltanczer01 at qub.ac.uk<mailto:ltanczer01 at qub.ac.uk>).

Deadline: 10th of November 2015.

Best wishes,
Leonie Maria Tanczer
PhD Student
School of Politics, International Studies & Philosophy
Queen's University Belfast
Twitter: @leotanczt
Key Fingerprint: F9A6 3C62 DE8E B52F CBB6 14D0 65CC 15A4 4A57 D0C1

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