[Air-L] Facebook triggering API

Carmina Rodriguez carmi24 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 06:30:18 PDT 2015

Dear members,

I'm wondering if you have any leads on how to find/implement a Facebook API
that tracks the behavior of users and when (consenting!) participants do a
particular activity on Facebook (i.e. write Wall post), they receive an
experience sampling survey on their mobile phones a few minutes afterwards.

Most likely, the answer is to develop the API oneself. However, I know that
such an API has already been implemented and I'm wondering if you know of
any resources (particularly for communication researchers who aren't expert
programmers), such as web pages, tutorials, or software that may help in
implementing such a 'Facebook triggering' system.

Thanks in advance - your feedback will be much appreciated!

Kind regards,

Carmina T. Rodríguez, M.Sc., PhD Candidate
Amsterdam School of Communication Research ASCoR
University of Amsterdam
www.uva.nl | www.ascor.uva.nl

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