[Air-L] Call for papers: Impact of Technology on Interpersonal Relationships

Harrison, Teresa M tharrison at albany.edu
Thu Sep 10 14:31:15 PDT 2015


Special Issue: Impact of Technology on Interpersonal Relationships

Electronic Journal of Communication


We invite submissions for a special issue that will examine the ways in which new media technologies impact people's interpersonal identities and relationships -- positively and negatively. We define technology in the broadest sense to include social media and personal communications technologies such as cell phones, tablet computers, personal music players, and other devices.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to, technology's relationship to or influences on:

Relational identities

Virtual relationships

Online impression management

Online intimacy initiation, escalation, maintenance, and termination

The impact of being tethered to technology

People's sense of isolation or community

People's social skills

Religious and spiritual life

Interpersonal and intercultural relationships

Relationship initiation and maintenance

Personal relationships in public space

Changes in empathic abilities

Sex and gender expression

Raising and maintaining relationships with children

We welcome research essays that use qualitative and/or quantitative methodological tools.

Potential contributors should send complete contact information (name, title, affiliation, home and work postal addresses and phone numbers, and email address) along with your manuscript to BOTH editors at vharvey at csustan.edu and Teresa.Housel at adjunct.openpolytechnic.ac.nz Manuscripts should use APA Style (6th edition) for in-text citations and reference list. Deadline for manuscript submission is Friday, October 30, 2015.

We welcome your questions and inquiries about the special issue or about possible essays. Please address your concerns to the co-editors: Dr. Vickie L. Harvey, Professor of Communication, California State University, Stanislaus; VHarvey at csustan.edu; and Dr. Teresa Housel, Adjunct Faculty of Communication, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand; Teresa.Housel at adjunct.openpolytechnic.ac.nz.

For complete call for papers, see:  http://www.cios.org/www/ejc/calls/harvey.htm

For EJC journal contents, see:  http://www.cios.org/www/ejcmain.htm

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