[Air-L] Quantification, big data, power of numbers (a reading list)

Daniel Kunzelmann kunzelmann.daniel at yahoo.de
Tue Sep 29 01:41:57 PDT 2015

Dear all,

Thanks to all of you who have already contributed to the reading list 
on: "On the power of numbers: How databases and quantification now do 
(their) work in everyday life (and how they have always done so?)". For 
those of you who want to have a look, you do find the list here: 
(note that, unfortunately, the link does not work with a Mac or at least 
not with Safari!)

It's always wonderful to see how this community works :)

And of course you're still welcome to share your must-reads on two types 
of concepts...

a.) "new" Cultural and Social Anthropological concepts and theories that 
explicitly talk about and refer to digital phenomena as in "big data", 
"databases", "algorithms", etc.

b.) "classical" ones that do NOT explicitly talk about these issues, but 
that you would consider highly applicable to understand such phenomena 
(e.g. work on statistics, quantifications, numbers, etc.).


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