[Air-L] CfP - Big Data and Society special issue...

Madeline Carr madeline.carr at aber.ac.uk
Thu Sep 24 12:11:23 PDT 2015

Proposed Special Issue on

*Veillance and Transparency:  A Critical Examination of Mutual Watching in
the Post-Snowden, Big Data Era*

*Guest Editors: Vian Bakir, Martina Feilzer, Andrew McStay (Bangor Univ.)*

We invite papers for a proposed Special Issue in Big Data and Society,
Sage’s inter-disciplinary, open access, peer-reviewed scholarly journal
that explores the social implications of Big Data from social sciences,
humanities and computing perspectives.

*Our central proposition:* today we live in a techno-cultural condition of
increased and normalised transparency through various veillant forces of
mutual watching.

*Our central question: *what are the technical, social, economic,
political, legal, ethical and cultural implications of this situation?

Drawing on the many academic disciplines that deal with issues of veillance
and transparency, we seek theoretical and empirical academic papers;
artistic, activist and educational provocations (the journal can link to
digital versions of these); and shorter commentary from the wide range of
actors involved in these debates (including data regulators, intelligence
and security services, private companies, NGOs, politicians and

Specifically, we are interested in the following questions (each unpacked
further below):

   1. On Theory-Practice: How useful are theories of ‘veillance’ in
   explaining transparency practices in the post-Snowden, ‘Big Data’ era?
   2. On Ethics, Values and Norms: What, if anything, can or should we do
   about practices of watching that operate without informed consent or
   adequate processes of accountability?
   3. On Regulation, Power, Resistance and Social Change: Are existing
   mechanisms of regulation and oversight able to deal with nation-states’
   desire for forced transparency, or is resistance required
   4. On Representation, Discourse and Public Understanding: What
   socio-cultural discourses and practices on veillance and transparency
   prevail; how do they position the sur/sous/veillant subject; and are they
   adequate to the task of educating and engaging people on abstract and
   secretive surveillance practices, as well as on the possibilities and
   pitfalls of sousveillance?

More details on the Call are here

Proposals of no more than 1000 words are invited for consideration and
inclusion in this proposed Special Issue of Big Data & Society (BD&S). All
papers should foreground why Big Data practices are important to their
central argument, as outlined in this CfP.

Proposals should be sent to the Guest Editors: v.bakir at bangor.ac.uk,
mcstay at bangor.ac.uk,

*Manuscript and Style Guidelines*

As this is an online only journal, there are fewer restrictions on format,
including the use of visualizations (which are encouraged, where this helps
the explanation).  Full guidelines are available at:

Final Manuscripts should be 8,000 words for an Original Research Article,
3,000 words for a Commentary, and 1,000 words for an essay in the Early
Career Research Forum section.

All submissions of Original Research Articles to BD&S are double-blind, and
triple peer-reviewed. Anonymous peer review feedback will be accompanied by
comments from the guest editors that draw on the central arguments of other
papers selected for inclusion in order to enhance the coherence of the
Mutual Watching in the Post-Snowden, Big Data Era. Commentaries, Early
Career Research Forum submissions, and artistic, activist and educational
provocations are reviewed by the Guest Editors.

*Deadline for academic papers* (original research articles and early career
research forum essays)

   - Proposal Deadline: 15 Oct 2015
   - Notification of Acceptance: 1 Dec 2015
   - Paper Deadline: 1 May 2016
   - Reviews Returned: 31 Jul 2016
   - Revised Paper Deadline: 1 Nov 2016

*Deadlines for commentaries and artistic, activist and educational

   - Proposal Deadline:  27 May 2016
   - Notification of Acceptance: 1 Jul 2016
   - Revisions Deadline: 1 Nov 2016

*Anticipated Publication date for Special Issue: *Jan/Feb 2017.

Dr. Madeline Carr
Senior Lecturer in International Politics and the Cyber Dimension
Department of International Politics
Aberystwyth University
Penglais, Aberystwyth
SY23 3FE Wales
desk: +44 01970 621955
mobile: +44 (0)752 867 2088
email: madeline.carr at aber.ac.uk
twitter: @MadelineCarr

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