[Air-L] Algorithmic Regimes and Generative Strategies - Conference 25 Sept 2015 Vienna, Austria

Katja Mayer katja.mayer at univie.ac.at
Wed Sep 2 12:59:38 PDT 2015

Algorithmic Regimes and Generative Strategies - On Regulatory Politics 
of Code and Machines


Time: Friday, September 25 201511:00 - 20:00

Location: Kuppelsaal, University of Technology Vienna, Karlsplatz 13,

A-1040 Austria


A World-Information Institute international conference on the agency of 
algorithms in culture and society.

Algorithms are often presented as guarantors of objectivity, 
particularly on controversial issues like security or risk assessment. 
But not even algorithms can achieve the impossible, that is, applying 
objective logic, precision and transparency to an opaque world full of 
irreducible ambiguity and subjectivity. The way in which data is 
generated and processed affects the results. In other words, algorithms 
and the underlying forms of rationality are biased and so is the world 
they help to create.

This raises pressing questions regarding their methodology, their 
politics and their efficiency and the need to examine their intended and 
unintended consequences. The conference will address questions of 
rationality, governance and, prediction and modelling, but also look at 
agency of humans and new generative strategies.

"Algorithmic Regimes and Generative Strategies" wants to mobilize the 
critical perspectives of researchers, artists and activists, to open the 
field for a wider and more diverse debate.

TWITTER: #algoregimes

LIVESTREAM: world-information.net/algorithmic-regimes/

Konrad Becker, Felix Stalder Conference Editors - With Thomas Sturm, 
Antoinette Rouvroy, Reinhard Kreissl, Btihaj Ajana, Katja Mayer, 
Francesca Musiani, Olga Goryunova , Paolo Ruffino, Gerald Raunig and 
Peter Purgathofer

Entry: Free

World-Information Institute <world-information.net> in cooperation with 
the Institute for Design & Assessment of Technology at the Vienna 
University of Technology, Faculty of Informatics. Supported by SHIFT 
Vienna and BKA Kunst

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