[Air-L] literature on Informational (Internet) Power

Karine Nahon karineb at uw.edu
Tue Sep 15 22:41:05 PDT 2015

Adding to Sandra Braman great book, I have been working for years on the notion of power of information (here are two examples):

Nahon Karine, 2011, “Fuzziness of Inclusion/Exclusion in Networks”, International Journal of Communication, vol.5, pp. 756-772. -http://ijoc.org/index.php/ijoc/article/view/1119/552

And a newer piece - Nahon Karine, 2015, “Where there is Social Media there is Politics”, Eds., Bruns A. , Skogerbo E., Chistensen C., Larsson O.A, and Enli G.S, NYC, NY: Routledge (Forthcoming) - http://ekarine.org/wp-admin/pub/Nahon_PoliticsSM.pdf


On 8/4/15, 20:19, "Air-L on behalf of Michael T Zimmer" <air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org<mailto:air-l-bounces at listserv.aoir.org> on behalf of zimmerm at uwm.edu<mailto:zimmerm at uwm.edu>> wrote:

And if you’re going to explore “informational power”, it is vital to engage with Braman’s taxonomy of power, as discussed in Braman, S. (2006). Change of state: Information, policy, and power. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Michael Zimmer, PhD
Associate Professor and PhD Program Director, School of Information Studies
Director, Center for Information Policy Research
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
e: zimmerm at uwm.edu<mailto:zimmerm at uwm.edu>
w: www.michaelzimmer.org

On Aug 3, 2015, at 6:34 PM, Eric FU <fujunscnu at gmail.com<mailto:fujunscnu at gmail.com>> wrote:
I suppose you've already find this book: Yang, G. (2009). The power of the
Internet in China: Citizen activism online: Columbia University Press.
I recently found this book is useful, it talks about media and social
change (not specifically about the internet though): Tufte, T., & Enghel,
F. (2009). Youth engaging with the world: media, communication and social
change: Nordicom.
this one could also be useful: Banaji, S., & Buckingham, D. (2013). The
civic web : young people, the Internet and civic participation / by
Shakuntala Banaji and David Buckingham: Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT
Press, [2013].
On Tue, Aug 4, 2015 at 8:25 AM, 宋辰婷 <sct8809 at 163.com<mailto:sct8809 at 163.com>> wrote:
Dear all,
I am a Chinese student of sociology.  Now  I am writing a part of my
dissertation about informational  (Internet) power. The power I want to
discuss is the one  achieved by ordinary people  through  down-to up path
to effect both Internet and entity, rather than the one owned by a state or
nation.  Could you please suggest me some articles/books about it?
Thank you very much!  I appreciate your help gratefully!
Chenting Song
* PhD candidate in Renming University*
*Visiting student in Northwestern University*
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