[Air-L] Two job postings in Digital Media at RMIT University.

Adam Nash adam.nash at rmit.edu.au
Sat Sep 19 17:59:51 PDT 2015

Dear Colleagues,
Please disseminate these two positions to any suitable candidates you may know. 

The Bachelor of Design (Digital Media) at RMIT University is currently seeking applicants for two positions:
Lecturer, Level B, Digital Media; Industry Fellow, Digital Media.

Both positions are in Melbourne, at the gateway to the Asia Pacific century, the world's most liveable city.

Lecturer, Digital Media. The Lecturer will be responsible for carrying out teaching activities and for maintaining and advancing their scholarly, research and/or professional capabilities relevant to the discipline. It is essential you have a doctorate or PhD within a field related to digital media and will be required to undertake activities in line with the university's research strategy that emphasises relevant and applied research to advance scholarship and professional engagement.

Industry Fellow, Digital Media. The position requires demonstrated ability to teach in the discipline area of digital media in the Bachelor of Design (Digital Media) program and significant industry experience in the practice and associated scholarship of digital media.

Dr Adam Nash
Program Manager, B.Design (Digital Media).
Director, Playable Media Lab,
Computer Games Design Research Centre.
School of Media and Communication,
RMIT University,
GPO Box 2476, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia, 3001
adam.nash at rmit.edu.au

CRICOS Provider Code: 00122A

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