[Air-L] Wikipedia Sampling

Joshua Braun jabraun at journ.umass.edu
Wed Sep 23 08:33:03 PDT 2015

Hi All,

Just a brief question for the list: I'm considering doing a study that looks at the edit histories of a sample of Wikipedia articles, and I'm wondering if there are accepted strategies for assembling a "representative" sample of Wikipedia articles akin to the way that, say, television researchers put together a composite week for content analyses.

Obviously any sampling strategy will come with limitations, upsides, and downsides. I'm mostly curious as to whether there are accepted sampling methods that have emerged in the literature dealing with Wikipedia.


All the Best,
Josh Braun, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Journalism Studies
Journalism Department
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Skype: wideaperture

"Maybe the only gift is a chance to inquire, to know nothing for certain.  An inheritance of wonder and nothing more."
William Least Heat-Moon

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