[Air-L] journal of toaster studies

Barry Wellman wellman at chass.utoronto.ca
Thu Sep 17 06:58:34 PDT 2015

Welcome to the Journal of Toaster Studies, an academic publication about
new technologies published by the MIT Press since January 2013.

The first issue of The Journal of Toaster Studies debuted in early 2013 
with articles by Daniel Miller (^SDoes the Toast make the Toaster? An 
Organo-materialistic Revisiting^E in Trinidad^T), Larry Gross (^SGay 
Toasters: The Missing Slice of History^T), and Gary Fine (^SToasty 
Publics: Where does the Heat Come From? A Micro-Sociological 
Perspective^T). Please see our issues page for a complete list.

If you would like to volunteer for our editorial board or suggest a
special issue please fill out the contact form at the top of this page.


Total blatant self-promotion, but I'm on the ed. board. I can be bought
for a pop tart - Non-GMO, gluten-free, of course

WHich reminds me: I walked into Starbucks yesterday and asked for a 
Gluten-Free Latte, and the cashier after looking around said, "We don't 
have any: Would you like one with soya milk instead?"

Totally true story: Torontonians can replicate with Starbucks at 

   Barry Wellman
   FRSC                 INSNA Founder               University of Toronto
   http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~wellman           twitter: @barrywellman
   NETWORKED:The New Social Operating System.  Lee Rainie & Barry Wellman
   MIT Press            http://amzn.to/zXZg39        Print $14  Kindle $9

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