[Air-L] 2nd cfp. SSN 2016: Surveillance: Power, Performance and Trust

Nils Zurawski nils.zurawski at uni-hamburg.de
Tue Sep 22 08:19:24 PDT 2015

cfp: Surveillance: Power, Performance and Trust

The 7th biennial Surveillance & Society conference of the Surveillance 
Studies Network, hosted by Eticas Research & Consulting.

Thursday 21st – Saturday 23rd April 2016 in Barcelona

Complete information can be found and downloaded here: 

Call for Registration of Interest and abstracts.

Surveillance in the 21st Century is characterised by performance, risk 
scoring, ubiquitous data collection and analysis, algorithms as well as 
intersecting and blurring power relations. As such surveillance 
increasingly becomes an integral part of everyday life and professional 
environments, symbolised by concepts such as the smart city, industry 
4.0, smart homes and wearable computing. These new sorting and 
controlling practices will prompt new forms of visibility, new modes of 
power, as well as unintended consequences and cumulative disadvantages. 
Scholars and other concerned individuals face numerous questions: How 
will these new emerging cultures of surveillance interact with 
democracy, society and citizenship? What impacts and interdependencies 
can be observed? How should societies respond to these practices? How do 
people cope with current features and practices as well as with the 
historical legacies of surveillance regimes? What role does surveillance 
play in social theories?

In this context the conference wishes to explore the following key 

Key themes may include, but are not limited to:

     Democracy and surveillance
     Surveillance and everyday life
     Cultures and histories of surveillance
     Surveillance and digital/social media
     Value sensitive design and PETs
     Philosophy and theory of surveillance
     Ethics and Trust in and of surveillance
     Regulation, politics and governance of surveillance
     Algorithmic surveillance and big data
     Resistance to surveillance
     Non-technological surveillance

Important dates

    >>13 July 2015 Call for abstracts and intent issued
    >>31 August 2015 Deadline for initial registration of interest by 
email to ssn2016 at surveillance-studies.net
     25 October 2015 Deadline submission of abstracts via EasyChair – 
     30 October 2015 Electronic booking form available – formal 
registration and payment
     15 December 2015 Notification to participants about decisions on 
     28 February 2016 Early Bird registration ends
     25 March 2016:
         Submission of full papers
         Final Deadline for registration and payment for all conference 
         Launch of conference programme
     7 April 2016 Papers published on Web available to all registered 
conference attendees
     20 April 2016 Pre-conference activities
     21-23 April 2016 Conference in Barcelona

For paper presenters, a 300 word abstract will be required by 25th of 
October 2015 and can be submitted using the EasyChair platform: 

Hope to see you all in Barcelona and looking forward to your abstracts.



Dr. habil. Nils Zurawski
Universität Hamburg
Inst. für kriminologische Sozialforschung
Allende-Platz 1
20146 Hamburg
tel. +49 (0) 40 42838 2199 (AB)
fax. +49 (0) 40 42838 2328

Neue Bücher:
#Raum-Kontrolle-Weltbild.Raumvorstellungen als Grundlage 
gesellschaftlicher Ordnung und ihrer Überwachung. Mai 2014 bei Budrich 

#Anthropology of Security, Perspectives from the Frontline of Policing, 
Counter-terrorism and Border Control (eds. M. Maguire, C. Frois, 
N.Zurawski) Pluto Press 2014

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